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George's POV:
George brought his chocolate raisins, a new bottle of apple juice, and Clay's hoodie with him as he moved to stand behind Clay in line. While standing in the checkout line, the brunette couldn't resist checking out something⁠—or someone⁠—other than his items.

While Clay was focusing on staring at something on his phone, George focused on staring at him. Clay, being much taller than George, had a muscular body, dirty blonde hair, and freckles covered his face, similar to how stars dotted across a clear night sky. The brunette couldn't deny the fact that Clay was very good-looking.

Shaking the thirsty-ish thoughts from his head, George mentally scolded himself for having such strange thoughts. It was already weird that he was having these thoughts about another person, let alone about another man. While he fully supported and loved the LGBTQ+ community, George knew for a fact that he was straight.

The person ahead of Clay in line had a full cart of items, so they were taking an awfully long time. George sighed, taking out his phone to ease his boredom. He suddenly remembered the strange conversation he had yesterday with his so-called number neighbor. Pulling up his contact, George decided to text Dream.

I'm bored
do you want to play a game or something?

what about truth or dare?

but how would we do the dares?
we're texting each other

let's just play truth or truth, then

okay lol
I wanna ask you a question first
is Dream your real name?

as if
of course my real name isn't Dream
what kind of parents would name their child Dream?
my turn now!
how old are you?
if you're like 9 then I need to watch what I say

don't worry, I'm not 9 lol
I'm 22

George snapped his head up as the cashier tapped impatiently on the table, glaring at Clay. Clay had been too focused on his phone to notice that the person in front of him had already left. Shoving his phone in his back pocket, George moved forward in line behind Clay and put a divider and his items on the conveyor belt. Sighing, George knew he would have to wait until he got home to ask Dream another question.

386 words

Feedback/constructive criticism is appreciated!

- ephemeral

Number Neighbours [Dreamnotfound/Gream]Where stories live. Discover now