And paper trails. Never forget the damage done by delaying decisions.

Rey's struggle was all too visible. She wasn't stupid, she saw what you meant but she didn't agree. Unlike Jannah who completely refused to see your point.

"Rey...", you started, heightening your voice mildly to show your sympathy "I know why you joined them. You're good-natured. You just want to help.", you smiled, "The only reason you joined the Resistance is because you thought you'd help more people that way but...", you shook your head, "You're destroying more lives by supporting them."

"That's not true.", her voice was quiet.

"Don't you see? Don't you see the chaos they bring upon us? The galactic core is tiny compared to the outer rims! You will destroy tens of thousands of planets by removing the single factor keeping them safe!"

"Shut up.", she looked down onto the floor and looked as if she was about to collapse any minute. She was blocking out any truth you spoke. For what reason? Why did she have to do that! You knew she could listen! She had done so before but now? Now she did not want to. She might as well put her hands over her ears, it would have been about as ignorant as she was being right now.

"Think! Rey! Think!", you half shouted. She was getting on your nerves. She was so hell bent on supporting the first cause that had come her way without actually listening to anything of what you were saying. To her you were evil, that was it. There was no grey area in between. Her stupid black and white thinking. You absolutely detested it.

"Don't listen to her, Rey! She's a Knight of Ren!", Finn shouted. He was running towards you, limping. His shirt was stained in blood and as much as you enjoyed the lovely sight it didn't make up for the stupid words he was spewing.

Rey jerked up her head to stare at you, "You were lying!"

You shot a death glare into his direction but wished it would have been a blaster instead. Or one of those good old fashioned bullets you had used on Sidious earlier. He was mildly Force Sensitive, after all.

"No. I am their medic as well.", you retaliated. Why did he have to come now? You had made so much progress. Maybe you would have even managed to convince her, now it would be much harder. If not completely impossible

You looked at Kylo. His face was pale and his breathing shallow, the fight with the Sith's spirits clearly wasn't over yet. It'd probably still take a while, too. Taking the throne didn't come without paying a price...but you'd make sure nothing would happen to him. None would even get close to hurting what was yours.

"And...and...", Finn supported his weight on his knees, trying to squeeze out words in between his heavy breaths, "They...they destroyed Ajan Kloss..."

Couldn't Pryde have waited a few more minutes to blow up the Resistance's base? Or maybe an hour or two? How did Finn figure that out any way?

"NO!", Rey collapsed down to her knees and started crying. After all those tears had already ran down her face she still had some left for her 'friends'. guessed the animals whose death you had caused too. If you were fully honest you regretted that far more than the fact one of the factions currently at war had been wiped out. This should have been done ages ago, it'd have made the war so much shorter. Far less casualties.

Finn and Jannah were doing their best to support Rey.

You took a few steps back, getting closer to Kylo. He wasn't looking good, his skin was ashen and he was slouched over, elbows on his knees. You kneeled down, placing your left hands on his leg.

"You!", Rey shouted and you turned your head to look at her, her voice cracking midway, "This is your doing!", she got up and stretched out her hand, pointing at you, "You put a tracker on the Falcon!"

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