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He pushed me onto the bed, lifting up my shirt as he kissed my neck, he made a trail down to the bottom of my stomach and the sensation I felt made it hard to lie still. He moved again so he was looming over me, is hands roaming my body as I wrapped my arms around his neck, slightly pulling on his short hair. After a moment or two he pulled at my hands and swiftly pinned my arms above my head. with one hand holding my arms in place, he placed his other on the back of my neck, pulling my lips to his. I gently bit his bottom lip and smiled when a breathy moan escaped his mouth. After a short while, I managed to slip my arms free of his grasp to start working on undoing his belt. He continued to kiss at my neck, pausing momentarily to look me in the eye and make sure I was still okay.

I smiled up at him, but just as I was about to pull off his pants, I stopped. A wave of nausea washed over me and a sharp pain in my stomach caused me to gasp. Gally noticed my discomfort and moved to the side. "Iliana, what's wrong?"

I couldn't answer him in fear that if I opened my mouth I would vomit. I quickly stood up and bolted out of my room, down the stairs and out into the early morning air of the glade. I had just made it to the side of the  homestead before I threw up. I dropped to my knees and could feel my eyes watering as I continued to be sick. What a way to ruin the moment.

Once I was confident that I had finished, I wiped my mouth on my arm and stood up. It was early so the doors to the maze hadn't opened yet, so there was no one around. I heard footsteps behind me and sighed. I turned around and saw Gally, topless and fixing his belt.

"Are you okay?" He had a frown set on his face and I could see he was worried.

"Yeah," I nodded, "I think I just ate something bad." I walked over to him and he draped his arm around my shoulders.

I could see on his face that he wasn't entirely convinced but he nodded in response and we made our way back to the homestead. We made it back to my room and I slowly crawled under the covers of my bed. Gally poured me a glass of water and set it on the rickety nightstand.

"I'm going to to get the medjack's." he sighed as he put on his tshirt.

"Gally it's fine, really. I'm totally fine." I don't know why I was so reluctant to get examined. I mean, sure, I had been throwing up every morning for the past two weeks but it was probably just a bug.

"You're as white as a sheet," he smirked before bending over to give me a kiss on the forehead, "I'll be right back."

I just groaned in response. There was no use arguing with him, it was like talking to a brick wall and I had realised that within the first thirty seconds of meeting him. I had been here almost four months and I used to think that coming up in that box was the worst thing to ever happen to me. Turns out it was the best. I learned about life in the Glade pretty quickly and soon I went from having nothing, to having the best people I could ever imagine. Thomas and Minho showed me the ropes, and Newt gave me the rundown of how everything worked, and Gally, he was there for me no matter what. Always. It didn't take long for us to show each other exactly how we felt, but we both decided to keep it on the down low. We didn't need any of the other slintheads sticking their noses in. Besides, it was nice living in our own bubble, away from all the horrors the world had to throw at us.

I could feel myself falling asleep but I was jolted awake when the door of my room loudly opened.

"Hey Iliana." Jeff smiled as he entered the room. His hair was messy and he looked tired and I had no doubt that Gally hat quite literally just dragged him out of bed.

"Hey Jeff." I croaked. I could still taste the bile in my throat and it made me want to gag. Gally stood in the doorway with his arms folded over his chest.

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