The Dinner

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Shaelyn's pov

"5 6 7 8" Jesse yells.

The dance looks good but it needs some cleaning. We do it about a million more times it feels like and then our hour is up.

"Hey I got to head home so I wil see you guys tomorrow at school"

"Awww is Lil Shway too twired to hang out wid her big fwiends?" Ariel teases.

"Just because I am still 15 doesn't mean anything!" I say while walking out and flipping them off. All I hear is "Oooooos" and laughs. I rush home to get ready for that stupid dinner Mom is making me go to with her new boyfriend.

"Momma, I am home!"

"Go get ready we are leaving in ten and please wear something nice." She is always trying to get me in a dress or a skirt but she hasn't been succesful. All I do is roll my eyes and run up stairs to my bedroom.

I get out a pair of black ripped jeans, a red and black striped tank top, a red cardigan, and red sandals. I jump in the shower real quick and rinse off the sweat. I get dressed an put on eyeliner and mascara. I grab my phone and purse and run downstairs.

When my mom sees me, she just laughs. "We don't have time for me to try and persuade you to wear something else so you are saved this time."

"Love ya Momma Bear" I say with my best puppy dog eyes. All I get in response is a playfull hit on the arm. When we get to her boyfriend's house, which looks like a mansion, she tells me to behave and be nice. I just roll my eyes, when am I ever not nice to people? She rings the doorbell and a very very very handsome man opens the door.

"Carry!!!! This must be the infamous Shaelyn" he says while hugging my mom and shaking my hand. "I am Leon but you probably already knew that, haha."

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'. "Can we come in?"

"Yes yes come in."

Leon leads us to the dining room and he rings a bell and a cook comes out with salad. He also yells to his kids to come down. When everyone gets there I introduce myself.

"Hi, I'm Shaelyn"

"I am Daisy, and this is my sister Sammi" a girl about the age of 12 said. "And that is my brother..."

"Brandon" I finish for her. In my head all I am thinking is crap, I want to leave. I should have gone with the crew to the park. I should not be here.

"Oh so you guys know each other?" Mom asked me.

"Well we had a little run in at the-" Brandon started to say.

"At the park while I was waiting for Ariel and Jesse" I said glaring at him praying he got the hint not to say anything.

"Yeahh that's what happened"

"Well I don't know about you guy but I am starving so lets eat" The girl named Sammi said.

So I was safe for now...

VOTE!!! COMMENT!!! Please tell me how I am doing! I probably need a lot of pointers. Love ya!

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