The Fight

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Shaelyn POV
"Hey girlfriend."
"Can you not say that so loud!"
"Why? Do you now want the whole world to know you are mine?!"
"No I do not! WHat do you want?"
"I just wanted to sit next to my girlfriend. And eat with my girlfriend. And talk with my girlfriend."
"Well your girlfriend was talking to her friend before you came and scared her off."
"Oh well. I gotta go now girlfriend. I'll see you tonight!"
Ugh that boy was exsasperating! How did I get myself into this mess? Air needs to come back so we can finish talking. Of course she is no where to be seen. I'll just call Jesse.
"Hello..." a sleepy voice answers.
"Jesse I majorly need your help! Can you come pick me up if Momma Bear calls me out?" I say very urgently.
"Yeah text me when she says yes."
"Love ya!!"
I quickly hang up and call Ma'. I tell her I do not feel so hot and want to go home.
She says, "Oh darling, I don't want you walking home if you feel sick and I'm at work. Can Jesse-"
I quickly cut her off, "Yes he can pick me up Ma'."
Okay I'll call you out.."
"Gracias Momma Bear."
"De nada child bear."
I send Jesse a quick text, "M.B. said come get me."
20 miutes and 1 milkshake later, Jesse knows everything. Jesse is fuming; he is clenching his fists and the vein on his neck is popping out. I am kind of getting scaredd to be truthful.
"Jesse calm down please. We need to be rational about this! Ma' can't know about me danc-"
Jesse interupts me, "Why not Shay? This guy is blackmailing you, for Pete's sake! You could get hurt. Some people care too much about you to let some idiot hurt you."
And that's when I see a fire in Jesse's eyes that scare me. I cannot tell if it is lust, love or over-bearingness; but either way it is scaring me.
"I want to go home Jesse." I say while trying to leave.
"Shay, listen!"
"No Jesse, you listen. I want to go home. I do not feel good. I just want to go home." I am on the verge of tears and do not say anything the whole way home. When we get to my house, I dryly say I will see him tomorrow and to tell the crew I can't make it.
"Shay listen, I'm sorry for whatever I did or say. I don't want to hurt or lose you."
"Bye jesse." I quickly run inside because I've already started crying and I am supposed to be the strong one that doesn't cry.
Jesse POV
I can't believe I just did that. I may have just lost the girl of my life. Shaelyn means everything to me and I do not know how I am going to do these next couple days. Well at least I hope it is only a couple days, this time it might be longer. I made her cry. I actually made her cry. and I do not know why or how. I rack my brain trying to figure out what I said that made her want to leave so suddenly. I don't know what I did but I need a drink and some candy.
Shaelyn POV
As soon as I get inside and make sure Jesse is not following me inside the ouse, I run to the freezer and grab my Just-In-Case ice cream. I know I shouldn't eat it but I need it. I head up to my room and check my phone. I have three messages. I check Ariel's first.
Air Bear: WHERE R YOU???
Me: Don't feel good.
Me: Noppe. Bf house -_-
Me: Talk to the crew about Devil will ya? Love ya!
Air Bear: Love ya too
Then I check Momma Bear's.
Momma Bear: Hey Honey how are you feeling?
Me: Not so hot. Can I not go tonight?
Momma Bear: Yeah I'll tell Leon. I should be home about 4 to take care of you.
Me: KK. Love you Ma'
Then I check the next one but I do not know the number.
558-305-8764: Where did you go babe? Your friend-in-black gave me your number.
Me: Home. I don't feel good. I need some rest.
558-305-8764: Oh... Well talk to you later.
I can't believe Air Bear gave Devil my number! Ugh... Now he can bother me whenever he wants. I save his number so I don't forget it is him. I lay down and the next thing I know I am asleep.
Author's note, sorry for any mistakes!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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