The Scientist

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On a flickering screen, an image of a lone pink haired man is reflected. There are bags under his azure eyes and only a slight flush on his cheeks puts a color on his paper pale face. Even so, his lips curve into a child-like grin as he looks at the camera installed above the screen and speaks with a high pitched voice.

"Ya, ya, ya! Is everyone alright? This is professor Ramuda on his v-log entry 6991!" He fakes a cough while looking at the papers on his tiny hands. "Starting with the report, it is 526 days since the snow started to cover our home star TDD-1210 and killed more than 98% of the inhabitants. Still the temperature continues to drop and the rest of our communications with the other survivors died down. Recently, ice started to form at B-block!" He makes a fake distressed face then dramatically puts the back of his hand on his forehead. "If the temperature drop remains constant, ice would reach our location, E-block, in less than a hundred days! That's bad news... really, really baaaaad news!!"

He throws the papers then slams his table as he moves closer to the camera. "Buuuuut no worries! I'm halfway done with our escape ship!!" Ramuda giggles despite having no glimmer in his eyes. "But if the temperature drop speeds up and evacuation will be almost impossible, I will have to make modifications with our bodies to withstand the cold."

He swipes his fingers in the air. As he does so, various graphs and charts appear on the screen. "As a Nimrodian, a cold blooded specie, I can only live for about 5 days without artificial heat. While my companion, Doctor Jakurai..." An image of a man with grey and lavender locks pops up next. "...A warm blooded Kamarian with extreme durability and adaptability can survive for more than 360 days however..." He stops speaking, pink hair quivering as he coughs. Purple blood flows from his pale lips which he immediately wipes away. "Jakurai is nearing the end of his life."

The last line and the blood left a bitter taste in his mouth so he grabs a jar of drops and then throws a purple colored one inside his mouth. "It's not sweet enough," he laughs. "Jakurai, you still suck at this." Even if he says that, he bites on the candy to finish it and returns his focus towards the camera.

"Either way, I have to save Jakurai and take him out of this place. It's literally a battle against cold and time and it makes my heart go bathump, bathump, heehee!" A knock on his room's door along with a base voice calling for him, interrupts Ramuda. He returns his childish grin on his face before waving his hands goodbye and clicking on a button to save his v-log.

As he stands, Ramuda ruffles his hair, paces around the room to intentionally take his time before opening his door. Jakurai stands there, with a gentle smile, his beloved coat on and a plate on his hand.

"Ramuda-kun, pardon me for interrupting your research but I recommend taking proper meals so you'll have more energy to work." Formal as ever, he steps inside the colorfully cluttered room. He sighs to drown down the desire to nag at Ramuda, making him look older than he really is.

"Eh? I am properly taking my meal. Look!" His childish grin on his lips, Ramuda raises the jar of sweets which makes the Doctor heave another sigh.

"That's not a meal, Ramuda-kun." He takes the jar away and puts the plate on Ramuda's empty hands. "Come on, have this instead. I specially prepared this to warm your body up." He raises his hand then, just as Ramuda expected, buries it on his hair. Fixing all of its tangled strands using his long fingers, Jakurai sends warmth no kind of meal can give Ramuda. "Your nutrition is my utmost priority so I would greatly appreciate your cooperation."

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