Special Chapter 2:The Tales of Clouds

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The Dragon and The Kraken

Once upon a time, when the last of the species of mystical creatures live their lives, there live a dragon full of dreams. He is a dragon who dreamt of being the best among all, as he is told to be the predator and everyone else are preys. Ever since little he have fought with little ants that he thought he could beat but went home covered with tiny bites. Then he fought with a tiger, who is smaller than him and cried home when his enemy clawed him and left three marks of wounds on the back of his clawed palm.

Time pass by and even if he is an adult dragon who could breath fire, he still can't defeat smaller enemies and so he thought of a wonderful idea. He will seek for someone bigger than him, and he believed that he can take them down, for he have faith that 'if you can't take down a small fry, then you can try taking down the bigger size.' Quite silly, but he have faith in what he believes, in a different sense. One day when he fly above the west sea, he saw a kraken humming softly, playing with the water he is in and the dragon thought to himself: 'What big creature he is! Might he be the destined enemy given to me?' and so he flew lower, and greeted the kraken.

The kraken returned the greetings and was shocked when the dragon asked for a duel. He accepted, though. And when they fight the dragon gave his all, but his fire is of no use to the kraken for he have infinite water to protect him. The dragon used his mighty wings, but the kraken just need to enter his waters to avoid its impact. Soon, the dragon grew tired and fell, but one of the kraken's arms caught him and put him on the land near them. By the time the dragon woke up the kraken is gone, and he return to the place with a big sponge on his arms.

There he saw the kraken, playing with the waves and the bubbles the wave made, making a playful 'weee' sound. And the persistent dragon asked for a duel again. This time, however, the dragon made a smart move when he released the sponges on the water and it sucked the liquid and fill its insides. Goodness! The kraken have no more water to use against the dragon's fire. He huff and puff and release the fire with closed eyes for a couple of minutes but suddenly a splash was heard! The dragon is now covered in black liquid, and it is the ink of the Kraken! With an amuse laugh the kraken squeezed the sponges and the water returned, and by that the dragon left.

The next day the dragon returned to the usual place, and the kraken is playing with his mouth under the sea making blubbing sounds and bubbles and the dragon challenged him once again. The dragon carried sponges and a big container, and the dragon felt proud of himself as he feel that he will win. The dragon drop the sponges and blew fire at his enemy but he stop midway and replace his fire with the container, and the ink was gone! But eight arms hugged him, and he knew he is defeated once again.

At this third time the dragon admitted defeat and accept that he is not a predator nor a prey--- but a dragon with might and bravery thrust upon him. The kraken chuckle at the sight of the dragon but in a good way. He never felt this kind of happiness before, as he is always alone in his waters. The dragon always visit the lonely kraken, and destroyed a chunk of land that isolated the kraken from the others and the kraken felt lonely no more. The two became friends, and their sons became friends, and their son's sons became friends, and forever they will be.

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