"I've been missing you lately. Bumblebee isn't around anymore to help keep me sane so here I am at night talking to a slab of stone in the middle of a thunderstorm. Crazy, right?"

I chuckled to myself.

"I stopped by the house yesterday. Everything is just like we left it. It felt so empty though. It didn't even feel like home to me, momma."

The wind was picking up fairly quickly and I shivered, pulling my jacket over my body as if it would protect me from the cool air.

"I would give anything to have you back. Absolutely anything. ."

I sighed.

"Maybe you can help me. Like I said, Bumblebee hasn't been around lately and I've been feeling pretty lost. I don't know what to do about it. All I know is that the emptiness is returning, momma. I just want it to go away," I cried.

I could hear the sound of an engine nearby and turned to see headlights further out into the cemetery. It was most likely just someone coming to visit a loved one. I turned back to my mother's headstone, the aching pain in my chest slowly growing stronger.

"He promised me he'd always be there, but he's not. Did I do something wrong? Is Sam more important than me? I don't understand, mom. He's supposed to be with me. He's supposed to be my best friend. .my other half. It may sound pretty silly, but without him with me I just feel so empty. Three weeks isn't really a long time, but to me it feels like a century."

I cried harder and proceeded to lay down on the wet ground. I knew that my clothes were covered in mud and grass, but I didn't care.

"What's wrong with me, momma? I don't want it to be like this. I don't want to feel like this," I exclaimed.

The sound of a distressed whir caused me to jump up. I shot my head around the cemetery to look for the source of the sound but I saw nothing. I turned back to my mother's gravestone only to turn around again at the sound of a tree branch snapping.

"Is someone there?" I called through the roar of the rain.

I received no answer but I could hear the sound of loud footsteps. They weren't just any footsteps though. My attention was focused towards the direction in which the were coming from. I watched as a large figure stepped out from behind a pine tree. My breath caught in my throat and I shifted back slightly until I noticed bright blue lights shining towards me. I calmed down when I realized them to be the optics of an Autobot; Bumblebee to be specific. The sight of him only made me cry harder.

"Why are you here?" I croaked out.

He whirred and walked over to me, barely missing the several other headstones around me as he did.

"You left me again after you promised you wouldn't."

He looked at me with sad optics.

"Why?" I cried.

He only whirred again. He held out a servo to me but I backed away. The rain was coming down harder and harder. I knew I'd be sick after this.

"It's been three weeks, Bumblebee. I haven't seen you in three weeks. It may not be that long to you but it was for me. You yourself knows what happens when I get like this. Everyone does. I know they told you how I was those four days three years ago and I know you saw me even if it was just for a split second. But you clearly don't care now or you wouldn't have left me after promising not to," I babbled on.

He moved closer to me. By now I was shivering.

"Rosalie," he started.

I cut him off.

"No. Don't even start. You obviously care so much about me. Do you not understand how badly I need you, Bumblebee?" I exclaimed.

I was beginning to sound crazy and I knew I sounded selfish, but I didn't care. All I needed was my best friend.

"I mean really. Even after four years you still don't get it, do you? I thought I explained everything to you years ago. Was I not thorough enough?" I barked.

I could tell that he was becoming agitated with me.

"What did I do wrong? Do you love Sam more than me?" I whined.

All of a sudden he scooped me up into his arms. I felt a strange wave of comfort in my body. The tears had yet to stop flowing but I was a lot more relaxed than I was. He transformed quickly, placing me into the backseat of his cabin. I shivered and almost instantaneously, heat radiated throughout the inside of the car. My crying was coming to a slow halt and I sniffed one last time before hugging my knees to my chest. I had missed nights like this with him so much.

"How did you find me?" I whispered.

"I know you better than anyone, Rosalie," he answered using his true voice.

I sighed.

"Why'd you leave me, Bee? I was beginning to feel so lost without you."

He whirred.

"I don't know. I guess I just got so caught up with Sam. I'm so sorry, Rosalie. You know I hate seeing you like this," he told me.

My mind was so jumbled that I couldn't think of anything to say back to him so I just stared at the light emitting from the dashboard. It took me a few moments to realize that we were moving.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.


"But what about my car? My things are in there," I stated.

"Don't worry. I've got it all under control," he assured me.

I just sighed.

"I've missed you so much," I said.

The seat lowered beneath me.

"I've missed you too, Rose. It may not seem like it from your perspective but I missed you a great deal, little lady."

I perked up at his words.

"So, you still love me?"

"Of course. You're my best girl. I'll always love you, little one."

I smiled but shivered again, the air around me getting warmer.

"I'm all wet," I grumbled.

"That's normally what happens when you lay outside in the pouring rain," Bee teased.

I rolled my eyes. I was actually surprised that he let me inside his cabin like this. He hated when people got into his alternate mode with the smallest speck of dirt on their shoes and I was sure I was covered in mud so it didn't really make much sense to me.

"How long until we get home?" I asked him.

"About nine hours. If you don't recall we just pulled out of the cemetery," he answered snidely.

I yawned.

"Go to sleep, Rose," he instructed me softly.

"Thank you for being here with me. It means more to me than you know," I told him.

"I'd do anything for you, Rose."

I smiled and closed my eyes. Before long I was sound asleep.

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