"Your gonna regret this" Mary chuckled 

"And Mary... don't try to talk to any of us until you have apologized to us especially Laiya" Ruel said shaking his head whilst Mary strutted off 

"Woah... crazy woman" Bodhi said 

"You can say that again" Bella said

"Maccas run?" I said looking at all of them making them laugh 

"Yesssss" Sunday and bella said interlocking our arms

"Laiya speaks our language" Samson says

"Yea I need maccas right about now" Ruel said 

"Yea I'm always down.. wanna walk to the one down the road" Bodhi said as we started walking out of the house 

The group walked ahead whilst Ruel and I stayed behind holding hands and walking in comfortable silence

"Thank you" I whispered still looking straight ahead  

"For what" Ruel questioned 

"For standing up for me" I said squeezing his hand

"It is what a boyfriend is for besides cuddles and kissed of course" Ruel chuckled 

"I feel bad though" I said quietly 


"Well because this is my fault" I spoke looking at him 

"Laiya this is not your fault Mary is always jealous whenever I am around girls even if they are just my friends, we liked each other like a year and a half ago though we never dated... I was too busy making music and wasn't ready to be in a relationship and she was too clingy and controlling, once I had released a few songs like 'don't tell me' and 'say' my career was starting to pick up and she wasn't letting me do my job like go to meetings or go the studio so I decided to tell her that I couldn't be in a relationship with her. We both decided that we were not meant for each other so we agreed on just staying as friends" Ruel explained looking over at me everyone in a while 

"wow thats crazy" I said looking back at the group that were 10 meters ahead 

"Yea she was able to move on and date other people and though it hurt the first time since it was so soon I gradually lost feeling it took like 2 months but over time they were completely gone and due to the fact that she was in a relationship I assumed that her feelings had disappeared too. Don't let any of the words that she said effect you, because to me you are the most amazing girl that I have ever met and you make me genuinely happy and feel like a normal person" Ruel said pulling me into a hug 

"I wont... but if you ever feel that I am distracting you or are too controlling please tell me, I don't want to distract you" I said 

"Laiya you aren't distracting me you are inspiring me.. yesterday and today at the studio I was able to wright multiple new songs for a new EP that I am making" 

"EP?! that's amazing" I said grabbing his arm 

"Yea it is pretty cool.. I'm releasing it pretty soon once we finish up the editing of the songs.. that just means I may be at the studio a little bit more"

"Ruel that is no problem you have a job to do and one that is your dream I couldn't be prouder" I exclaim 

"Thank you Lay" he said kissing my forehead 

"I have a surprise for you however I can't tell you until I know for sure... so like in 2 weeks maybe" I said 

"No please tell me" he whined

"Nope not yet"

"ugh okkk its good news right" Ruel asked 

"Ruel if this goes the way I hope it does it could totally change my life for the better" I said 

"Oh god then I hope it goes the way you want it too"

"Me too" 


"We're coming" I yelled then looked over at Ruel who was giggling making me realize what I had said

"Thats what she said" Bella yelled


What could be the news? is it good or bad news?

I Just want to thank you guys for getting this book #1 in oneruel that is crazy then getting it to over 500 reads this is amazing and it is inspiring me to write more! make sure to comment suggestions and vote for the book. I have a few exciting things to add to the book both to do with the successes of Laiya and Ruel but thats the last of it i'm going to tell you!

I really love you guys! xoxo

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