Ye Jin was still looking at the door, confused by what had just happened, when she felt a warm hand gently caressing her aching arm.

"Are you ok?", Bin asked her.

She nodded.

"I'm sorry about that".

"Don't worry. I'm as strong as a rock", she said smiling at him, trying to lighten the mood.

But he didn't smile back, he was just looking at her in silence.

"So, I have something for you", she told him after a while.

He finally realized that she was holding a little box in her other arm.

"It's not a big thing, but since you are a potterhead...", she shrugged his shoulders. "C'mon. Open it".

Bin found a captivating booknook inspired by the Diagon Alley inside the box.

Bin found a captivating booknook inspired by the Diagon Alley inside the box

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"Do you like it?", she asked.

"I love it. It's beautiful".

He finally smiled.

"Did you have dinner already?"

She adorably wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

"You know, it is depressing to cook a whole dinner for one every night".

"Lucky us. We are three".

And they left Author Attic to cook a whole dinner for three at his house.

Surprisingly for Bin and Ye-jin, Hee-young had took the news about their relationship with jubilation. The ten years old had no problem with letting them know that she was happy for the both of them.

As far back as she could remember, Bin had never introduce a girlfriend to her. It was sad to know that she was the reason why many woman didn't want to establish a serious relationship with her older brother. Having to deal with child who wasn't their own, was not something young women wanted to do.

He had tried to go on dates, but every single time happened the same, the relationships were over before they started. Eventually, he had stopped trying.

He had given up many things because of her: his dream job, a family of his own and his freedom. He was spending his best years trapped on an island to take care of his little sister.

Even so, Bin had never made her feel like a burden. He had always made her feel so loved.

He always cooked with her, played with her, tickled her and read for her every night. That was the reason his love for books had spread to her.

Their life together was a constant trial and error, but Bin was always trying his best to raise her well. He was the only parent she had ever know.

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