the one with the altered plot

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The rest of the evening went pretty normal. Stella made chicken breast roll and fondu.
They all talked until they got a call from Deaton.

Stella answered


*Hi Stella, It's Alan Deaton, Scott's boss. I'm sorry to inform you that both Scott's mother and Allison's father have been taken. We don't know where they are, but I think Lydia can.*

"What do you mean? I don't know where they are!" Lydia said, panicking.

*Lydia don't stress out. I will help you find  them.*

*Deaton's vet clinic*

"Now Lydia remember, you have to concentrate, relax, and let your spirit guide you."
"I'm not sure if my spirit knows where to guide"
"Just focus"
After ten minutes of nothing Lydia takes the pencil and starts drawing a tree. The exact same one she draws in every class.

After a short time of examining the drawing it finally hits both Derek and Stella.

"Nemeton!" They say simultaneously. Peter obviously comes in and disappoints everyone by a strong little detail. The people who knew where it was, got robbed of that memory from the strongest, at that time, fully shifting, wise Alpha, Talia Hale.

What do they do?
How do they figure out where is that Celtic mysterious tree that beholds their parents, their guardians?

By opening up their mind. By becoming surrogate sacrifices and coming back from the dead. By saving everyone and defeating the enemy.

Hey guys! Sorry for this boring part. I don't really want to write about the plot:/
I promise you, the next one's will be very good.
Sorry if this one feels forced, it was kinda short and not much dialogues.
Comment your ideas on what I should write about. What couples should I start writing about!

Also, if you have time, visit my other story about Ludwig!
Thank you!!!!

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