the one with Derek's Loft

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Stella's thoughts

At first, when Jennifer took my dad, I was devastated, scared, but mostly worried that Derek isn't going to believe me and take her side.
They made their relationship pretty clear when Kali and the twins used her to get Derek to fight alone and then kill Boyd.

It's just a game to them.

They don't care about other people's lives.
About Derek...
I can't catch a scent of emotions, but I saw Derek and I knew that he wasn't just sad.
He was blaming everyone's death on him.
He blamed the fire on him, Paige's death on him and now Boyd.
This was too much for him.
This would be too much for anyone. He is a person after all.
I admit that going to Derek's loft and staying with the Hales had a purpose of me being protected by big bad werewolves, but I also wanted to cheer Derek up from his depressing lifestyle.
I wanted him to trust the next person he's close with, and I wanted him to be sure that it wouldn't hurt anybody.

Stella's POV

Derek's place was gigantic. It had gray walls, multiple columns, a lot of empty space and tall ceilings.
But the best part about the loft was the balcony and the metal stairs that were a huge part of Peter's dramatic entrances.
I didn't like the doors and the emergency light though. It seemed rather industrial.

The metal door opened and there he was.
My delivery man, my protector and my dearest Sourwolf.

"Hello, people who don't live here." He said sarcastically.

"Love the "Friends" reference, but some of us are actually living here!" I said referring to Peter, Cora and me.

"I occasionally live here, as I also have an apartment downtown, but I like here better! The stairs add a spark to my entrance!" said Peter, yet again making an entrance by descending from the metallic stairs.

"I was actually referring to these nitwits this time. I thought I made it clear that the key is just for emergencies." Derek told Isaac, Scott, Lydia and Allison who were all sitting on the ginormous couch, watching, yet again, another movie.

"It was an emergency. We were out of Doritos!" Isaac and Scott said simultaneously, not noticing that they're cuddling and holding hands which was astronomically cute!

"What makes you think I have Doritos?"

"Stella was here, and that means that there are always snacks, herbal tea and vegan milk present. And maybe even her special spice suitcase!" Lydia joined the conversation, putting down her Super Asymmetry textbook, drinking her iced herbal tea that I made an hour ago.

"Did you get the milk, flour and cheese?" I hopped in before Derek got mad about them using me for snacks.

"Yes, I also got the shredder from Target which was really far from here, so you're very welcome"

"Did you get the chips!?" Cora really wanted chips.

"I did. And as you requested, nay, threatened, I did buy the coconut milk and not the oatmeal milk."

"Give me the celestial snack!" Cora was so passionate, but I had to stop her and make her wait for the dip. It's so much tastier that way. Plus I wasn't going to make it for already eaten chips.

"Thanks Der! Cora, don't touch the chips until the cheese dip is ready. Drink your herbal tea and wait. Who wants a refill?" I'm starting to feel like Monica "The Host" Geller. I love it!

Derek's POV

I didn't want to kick Stella out for multiple reasons, one of which was of course guilt and pity. Guilt, because my girlfriend kidnapped her dad and is going to try and ritually sacrifice him if we don't stop her. And pity because her dad is missing.

But there was something else. This warm feeling inside, that I didn't feel for a decade.
A warming feeling of home.
In just a couple minutes she turned my empty loft into a cozy home by adding blankets, plants, multiple people watching movies drinking beverages and eating snacks, the endearing smell of home cooked food, which may only be cheese dip, but it filled the entire loft and made our mouths fill with saliva.

"Guys! This is the moment you've all been waiting for! The cheese dip is ready, the chips are in the vase. Here I come!" her voice reminded me of the kindest woman that was fulfilling my life and supporting me no matter what. Stella reminded me of my caring mom...

The great host, the wonderful chef, the person who could make a cozy home out of a cartboard box.
Women that resemble by these characteristics to my mom, possess a special place in my dark empty heart. Stella was the first one there after my mom.

"Hurry up woman! I'm hungry and if you don't come in here soon, I will yank that bowl out of your noodle hands in an instant!" As you may have guessed, Cora isn't a tender, loving woman when she's hungry.

"Calm down Cora! I'm almost there! And there you go hungry werewolfs, banshees and hunters!"

Stella looked so gorgeous, smelt like vanilla, lavander, honey and whipped cream. But she also smelt anxious and scared for her dad, yet she wasn't showing it.

Isaac's POV

The chips were gone in almost half a second, so Stella asked me to help refill them before Cora eats her next. It was both funny and terrifying at the same time because we all knew it was true.

We headed to the previously empty kitchen, which was now filled with spices, herbal tea, fruits, dip and too many chips. Also a hell lot of beverages including coconut milk, soda, all kinds of juices and even wine!

"How did you manage to fill the void of this kitchen in just a couple hours?"

"I bought all of this stuff except for herbal tea, spices that I brought from home and wine which i asked Peter to buy, because I'm not 21 yet."

The power that this woman holds to get Peter Hale to do something for her! I'm not even talking about the way she organized all of it.

We started refilling the chips when she started chatting.



"Are you guys together or something?" she asked smirking.

"Me and Scott?" I asked, I already knew what she was talking about but I didn't know the answer.

"Well, yeah, obviously."

"Honestly, I have no idea. It's so complex! He takes my hand everytime he needs comfort. We cuddle while watching movies. But we never, you know, had the talk. We were never actually alone in a room!"

"Go talk to him! Don't even worry about him weirding out!"

"Well, how do I even start?"

"Walk towards him, tell him that you need to talk to him privately."

"What if he's listening to us and freaking out? What if i scared him away?!"

"Calm down! The only thing tat's gonna change in that case is that you don't have to think of the way to start talking."

"Ok, I should go, right?"

"Go! I have no idea what you're still doing here!"

I took the chips vase in one hand, the fruit and herbal tea in the other and moved forward. I approached Scott in the living room, but before I could open my mouth he cut me off.

"I heard you and Stella in the kitchen, let's talk."

Hey guys! How y'all doing? Did you like this chapter?
I had such a fun time writing it! How do you think is Scott going to react?
What's going to happen between Stella and Derek?
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