the one with all the scents

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Scott's POV

I couldn't believe my ears. They were actually talking about me! My childhood best friend and by current crush! Or maybe even more?
He walked towards me. He is gonna do it! He's doing it!
Suddenly a strange wave of heroism and confidence hit me and the words just came out.
"I heard you and Stella in the kitchen, let's talk"
Wow, this is not me. I'm socially awkward, not confident!
Then we just took our conversation upstairs, where Stella was currently occupying for approximately a couple weeks.

3rd person POV

They went upstairs and into Stella's room. It was precisely aesthetic and very beautiful.
There were purple Christmas lights on the walls, plants everywhere.
Scented candles possessed the name of the room because they were on every flat surface Stella could find.
The bed was one of Derek's. It was gigantic. It was a kind sized bed with amazing silk headboard in a very soft, pastel pink colour.
Pillows were all over the bed that made it impossible to get uncomfortable in.

The room was very sunny, light and at the same time the air was the perfect temperature.
The essential oils diffuser was already on, which made the room very relaxing and chill. The essential oils harmonized perfectly with the scented candles.

That woman knew what she was doing.
That room was heaven.

Back to our confused couple who cherished each other more than anyone, but we're too scared to have The Talk.

They were silent for 10 minutes, sitting on the bed, almost meditating.
Isaac was the first to break the silence.

"So did you hear the whole conversation?"
"I did"
"And what do you have to say about it?"
"Yes, Scott?"
"I would love to actually be the thing she assumed we were"
"Me too"

They were silent for another 5 minutes until Isaac was about to open his mouth when he felt the need to shut it.

He felt his beloved person kiss him.

It was perfect.
The light, the smell, the person in front of him, the timing.
It couldn't get better than this.

They suddenly heard a soft knock on the door, shortly after breaking the kiss and cuddling for a minute or so.

"Guys? It's me, Stella"

"Come in Stel!"
They both said as the door opened and the girl in front of them lighted up with the most sincere smile.

"You guys! I love you so much! The talk went well, didn't it?"

"Yup" Scott said winking at Isaac.

"I'm not gonna disturb you, I'm just gonna take my purse and get the hell out!" She said giggling.

"Oh, and uh. Don't leave anytime soon, don't get filled up with chips because I am about to make chicken breast roll with fillings and fondu for dessert!"

"You're the absolute best!"
The cuddling couple said, watching her leave and give the boys some privacy.


Hey guys!
Alexandra here!
How you doin'?
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Sorry for some typos, I try fixing every one I find.
Do you like me naming the chapters like Friends episodes by starting with "the one with..."?
Let me know in the comments section 😁
Suggest who should I bring in here!
What ships do u like?
Would you want me to do Sterek but a straight one?
Maybe I should bring some characters back from the dead?
Let me know!

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