𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 06

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[ 06 ]

[ 06 ]

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[ 06 ]

[» 3rd P.O.V. «]

'Ah shit, here we go again.'

(Y/N) thought, walking in hand in hand with Toga. They entered the rich looking house, and smirked. Shit was about to go down.

They once again maneuvered around the sweaty ass bodies, and headed to the drink table.

"Oh hey! Its applejuice!!"

(Y/N) cheered happily, drinking some. Toga grinned, and grabbed a drink too. The two giggled at each other, and then headed around the party.

"Get the fuck off me, creep!"

A sassy girl stated, and pushed a man off of her. She flipped her short dark blue her over her shoulder, and walked off to the couple. She put her hands on (Y/N)'s shoulders, and whined like a child.

"Moooommmm!! Take me hoooommmmee!! To the plaaaacccceeee, i beEeLOOOOOOoooOooOonGgg! WEST ViRgIniA-"

"Oh my gosh, calm down you chaotic child!!"

"B-but moOoOm-"

"Girl, i don't even KNOW you!!"

"I'm Seraphine Voss. There. NOW YOU DO!! NOW, MOM I WANT PIZZA!!"


"Himiko, babe, sHuT yEr TrAp!!"

Laughing off their conversation, the girlfriends introduced themselves to Seraphine, their now daughter.

"Have you guys seen any cute guuuyyyyyssss? I wanna bring him home to my other mommy!"

"Ehh, no we haven't, Sera. Wait, aren't you a little to young to drink apple juice?"

"You're never too young, Himiko!"

"She's right, Himi! You'll never be too young for apple juice!!!!"

All chaos aside, Seraphine eventually spotted a hot guy and went to go take his money- I mean, take him out with a gun- I-I mean, hook up. Yup, definitely.

Shrugging off their daughters behavior, the girlfriends walked off to find Ryuu. And there they found him, making out with a guy!!

"Ara ara, who the fuck is this~?"

"Yes, son. Spill the tea~!"

Ryuu's face went bright red as the girlfriends teased him, and he then introduced the boy. His name was Takashi, Taka for short, and he was superly duperly wanting to get into Ryuu's pants. Wow, hOrN-

"Well, we gotta go!! Bye moms!"

Ryuu yelled, dragging his new hookup to who knows where. Laughing at his embarrassment, the girlfriends continued to go through the party.

As they walked through the crowd, deciding it was time to leave, a guy bumped into Toga. Toga stumbled a bit, but the guy fell flat on his nonexistent ass. He glared up at the girls.

"Watch where you're going, bitch!!"

He yelled angrily, and stood up. He got all up in Toga's face, trying to intimidate her.

"I'm not the one who needs better dance moves, so shut the fuck up asshole."

Toga sassed back, and crossed her arms. She glared right back into his eyes, and successfully intimidated him. But he didn't stop there.

One of his goons took a hold of (Y/N), and literally grabbed her ass because she a tHiCc MaMaS. (Y/N) tried to push him off, but alas she was too weak.

Toga, now pissed the fuckity frick off, gave an intimidating look to the man in front of her.

"Oh~? You ain't gonna talk big now that we got hands on you're best friend?"

Toga narrowed her eyes. She swung her leg up and kicked his microscopic pp, then decked his throat. He caught her hand, and gave her an uppercut. Now, with a busted lip, she spoke,


She kicked him away from her into the wall behind him, and turned to the guy harassing (Y/N). She tilted her head, and the guy ran for the streets. She took a hold of (Y/N), and looked at the guy who was against the wall with a bloody nose.

"She's my girlfriend~! Ciao ~"

And so, the girlfriends ran off to (Y/N)'s apartment..

[» at her apartment «]

Toga sat on (Y/N)'s bed, and hissed in pain as she was cleaning her wounds. She had a busted lip, a swollen cheek, and a scratch on her arm. How the scratch got there, i dOnT kNoW-

"You shouldn't have gotten into that fight, Himiko."

(Y/N) said sternly, wrapping a bandage around her arm. Toga pouted.

"He harassed me first!"

"That's not the point, baka!"

"Puhuhu~! Are you a tsundere (Y/N)?"

"No! What I meant was, you should learn how to block punches and hits from a guy like him!! I don't want you getting hurt, dummy!!"

Toga blinked a few times.

"Yeah but, that's sOoOooO much workkkk!!"

"I- oH mY gOd I'm GoNnA kIlL yOu-"

"I'm SoRrYyYyyY-"

They laughed together, and (Y/N) pressed an ice bag to Toga's swollen cheek. She grumbled at the coldness, even flinched, and started to speak again.

"But.. If I'm able to protect myself from strong hits, I won't get to be treated by my wife!!"

"Y-you idiot! If you keep getting hurt you can dIe!"

"Yeah, but!! But!!"

"Its no excuse dummy!!"

"Awhh, okay.."




"You'd make a gReAt WiFe-"

"ShUt Up!"

𝚑𝚘𝚝 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕 𝚋𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚎𝚛 | 𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒌𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒂 ✓Where stories live. Discover now