Quirk ideas

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I have some ideas for quirks, some are OP and some are just kinda interesting....
Quirk 1:coding
-can change the 'code' of anything, change the way it works/looks...
-works on anything alive,dead, sentient or not it works(robots,trees,people,weapons,animals,etc.)
-drawback:uses energy of person weilding quirk(is tired most of the time)also they can change the'codes' of themselves but it uses more energy
-tips:learn how to code/hack it helps(before they learned they could only do small changes)with learning can do more complicated ones, more at once, bigger/more specific changes...
Quirk 2: cellular(and/or atom)control/manipulation
-can change the way atoms/cells fit together;useful with healing,elemental control, gravity,emotions,movement,etc.
-learn about human body/they say things are made(learn stuff like what Momo does)same as one above learns to better their quirk, can so some stuff at first but as they learn they grow stronger
-drawback:headaches over time, needs rest,needs to train to lengthen the amount of time able to use the quirk
Quirks I like(op)...
-loophole:can make a loophole in any situation and in reality....
Copy and store:can copy a quirk and store it for later(can choose we it her or not o give it back;like all for one but can copy the quirk and doesn't have to take it from the original user)
-drawback:can only use quirks they have seen/can't create quirks unless they have seen some one with that type of quirk (the drawbacks of the original user's quirk doesn't apply)
Artist:what ever they draw/paint...can come to life when user wants(can make mythical things/sentient beings/magic items/new inventions
-needs to know what it does/how it works chooseshow it works(magic/new inventions)
-drawbacks:needs a lot of stamina to bring it to life, but when it is the user can keep it and not lose stamina
-tips:art lessons,tablet/sketch book on hand(when drawing they don't come to life automaticly)[can make poitions for healing/restoring energy(restoring energy works on others/not the person with quirk)]
            .                .               .
Their are more but I can't think k of any rn(also sorry if their are any mistakes in grammar/spelling)-author

I like this song[they message is AMAZING,but the video is a little bit weird(weird is not bad)]!!!!
Bye Peoples!!!!

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