Obi Wan Kenobi

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Warning: This chapter is long

It was an early morning and all you could think about is Obi Wan. As a Jedi you knew attachments were forbidden but that didn't stop you guys.

It was a huge suprise when the jedi counsel let you stay whenever you found out that you were pregnant with Obi Wan's child.

Obi Wan was out on a mission with his padawan Anakin Skywalker. Even though he goes on missions a lot, you still worry about him, especially since you are due to give birth within the next month.

You are more worried than ever since the mission was only supposed to last for a few days to two weeks tops. He has been away for about a month and a half now. Your mind has been racing thinking that he might never come back to you and the child.

It didn't help that your birthday was also coming up. You know that Obi Wan is careful during missions but Anakin you know gets in a lot of trouble.

Your friend Padme Amidala is coming to Coruscant from Naboo in two days time. You were excited to have someone that you really trusted around. You just hoped that she could handle your mood swings.

You have spent the whole day worrying about Obi Wan you didn't even realize that it was almost night.

You got ready for bed and sighed thinking that this is another night with out Obi Wan by your side. You managed this long so you figured you can get through another night.

During the night you had this horrible dream in which that Obi Wan and Anakin both don't make it back from the mission.

It scared you so much that you couldn't go back to sleep. You wished that Obi Wan was there to help comfort you. You wished so much that Obi Wan was there when the baby comes. You were starting to worry even more now.

The next day Padme came. You were going to go meet her at the landing pad but she told you the last time you talked to her, to rest and she will make her way to your apartment.

You didn't want to agree with her but you knew that it was probably best for both you and the baby.

A little while later you see Padme walk through your apartment door.

"Don't you know how to knock?" You asked annoyed that she just barged into your apartment

"Now why would I do that when I know it annoys you so much?" She asked with attitude.

"You could still knock. I would like to know who's at my door even if I was expecting you." You said back with just a little bit more attitude than she had.

"You were hoping that Obi Wan was going to be there weren't you?" She asked with sadness laced in her voice.

"Yes. Okay? Happy now. I admit it. I miss Obi Wan so much that I hope every time someone walks through that door that its Obi Wan." You say with so much sadness in your voice and tears coming into your eyes. You squeeze your eyes shut so no tears fall out but you have no luck.

Once Padme saw that you were crying she moved to sit next to you on the couch and just hugged you hoping that Obi Wan would come home soon. For your sake and the baby's. She was hoping that the hug would help just a little so you wouldn't feel alone. The whole time you were crying she didnt even say a word.

After awhile you eventually stopped crying. You felt like you were out of tears but you knew if she left your side you would start to cry even harder than you were before.

"I'm sorry Padme. I'm supposed to get my mind off of Obi and spend time with you not bawling my eyes out." You said with sadness.

"It's alright y/n. I know you miss Obi Wan but he will come back. This mission is just taking a little longer then usual. Anakin is probably the one to blame. He is probably making so many mistakes that Obi Wan has to fix that it's just taking a little longer than normal." She said with sadness mixed with hope as she hoped that is what is happening just for your sake.

"Thank you. I needed that. Now let's have a good rest of your stay. How long are you staying?" You asked hopeful that she would stay until Obi Wan comes back from his mission.

"I'm going to stay for as long as you need me to. If its till the baby comes or until Obi Wan comes back. I will stay." She said hopeful you would have her stay until at least the baby comes.

Can you stay until Obi Wan comes back? And if the baby comes after he is back can you stay to? I would like the extra help with he or she." You asked hopeing she would say yes to staying that long.

"Of course I will. What else are best friends for? Do you not know the gender of your baby?" She asked.

"No I don't. I dont want to find out the gender until he or she is born. Obi Wan wants a girl but I'm hopeing for a boy." You say.

You hear a knock on your door interrupting your conversation with Padme.

You open the door and Master Mace Windu is at your door. You start to worry about Obi Wan even more now.

"I have word from Master Kenobi the he and his padawan will return soon." He says with some happiness laced in his voice.

That was the best news you heard in a long time. Obi Wan is going to be home soon. You won't have to deliver your baby alone.

You say thank you to Master Windu and close the door. You turn to Padme and you scream with so much happiness. There are tears brought to your eyes.

"HE'S COMING HOME!!" You say with so much excitement.

You run to Padme as best as you can and hug her.

"Hes really coming home. Only took him a few months." She says with happiness for you. You also knew that she was happy that Anakin was coming home to.

You couldn't believe that after a month and a half that he would return home safely.

Three days later

Obi Wan is supposed to be home now. You were waiting anxiously in your apartment. You hear commotion coming from the hallway so you go check it out.

Once you open the door you come face to face with Obi Wan. You both broke out into grins. You launch yourself into his arms.

"Your finally home! I was begin to think that you wouldn't return to me." You say with so much excitement.

"I'm sorry that it took so long. All I could think about was being in your arms again and being here with you and the baby." He said with happiness laced with sadness that he couldn't be here with you.

"I'm just glad that you made it back in one piece." You said with a joking tone.

"Can we go cuddle in the bed? I haven't been in your presence for a month and a half so I would like to savor the moment." He said with hopefulness that you would say yes.

"When have I ever turn down one of your cuddles?" You asked.


"And I never will turn down your cuddles."

"Let's go cuddle then!"

And with that you both set off to your bed and just snuggled for the rest of the day.

Word count: 1293

Hopefully this was good. I was thinking of making a part 2 where the reader is giving birth and the life of the baby. If you are interested in reading that please comment. I will make it. If you do want a part 2 then tell me what you want the gender to be and I will think of names. Thanks for reading!

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