Episode 5 Part 4

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In the alley behind the mansion.

Lee walks in front of the walker in front of you and fires a single bullet straight through it's skull and Into it's brain dying immediately.

The group heads around the corner to go inside the barn. But you find the Barn doors open and the boat inside, gone.

Christa: "Holy."

Kenny: "What The fuck." Kenny puts his hands on his head. "Come on...Just..Come the FUCK on!" Omid steps inside the barn.

Lee: "Clementine... She gave them the boat... She.." Lee looks down at his shoes eyes wide.

Christa: "I don't think she'd do that."

Omid picks something up before turning back to you and the group.

Omid: "No. Clementines not with the boat. Vernon and his crew took it."

Kenny: "No fucking way!" Kenny steps in front of Omid and looks at the paper. "THE INVALIDS?"

Omid: "Their actions. Uh. Contradict your characterization. But yeah, the invalids."

Christa: "He's right. They're not invalids. They're just people, people who have been dealing with with shitty situations even longer then we have. No wonder why they got the jump on us."

Y/N: "I can't believe they did this to us." You shake your head.

Kenny: "It's sick! It really is. They use your goddamn SYMPATHY for sick folks then stab us right in the back."

Christa: "They didn't "Use" shit they did what they did what anybody would've done. They've been living like ghosts forever and they were fed up. That's it."

Omid: "He said he feels bad about it. Leaving US and Clementine behind." He looks back down at the paper.


Christa looks at something then back at the group. "Omid. Can you go over the fence and let us into the backyard? We shouldn't be out in the open."

"Yeah." Omid Says Before Kenny continues. "This is not happening. Everything is so fucked."

Y/N: "Clementines still out there."

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