Yes, Sir (Levi x Reader)

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At first, he pretended not to know you. You played along, figuring it was safer if you didn't have to explain to the other soldiers exactly how you were acquainted. You tried several times to get a moment alone with him, but he seemed to be actively avoiding you. Then he started being overtly mean to you, taking every opportunity to make your life a living hell.

It hurt, at first. You could understand why he might avoid you, but screaming at you? Giving you extra work for no reason? Criticizing you at every turn? You found it impossible to reconcile this Levi with the one who was so kind to you in the Underground City.

As the weeks went by, your pain slowly turned to anger. No matter what had happened while you were apart, nothing gave him the right to treat you this way. Nothing.


Now, leaning irreverently against the tree, you glared at Levi as he approached. All around you, soldiers stopped their chatting to watch. Like you, they were baffled that Levi had singled you out for his cruelty. You certainly hadn't done anything to deserve it.

"Cadet (l/n)," Levi barked.

Reluctantly, you stood at attention, saluting Levi as he stopped in front of you.

"Your form was sloppy. If you keep swinging around like an idiot, you'll be titan fodder for sure. Do the whole thing again."

You balked. Again? Your muscles were still screaming from the session you had finished not two minutes ago.

"Now," Levi growled when you made no move to obey. "You understand?"

"Yes," you bit out. Since Levi was technically your superior, you had no choice but to follow his orders. Walls, you were fed up with this. If he didn't leave you alone...

"Yes, sir."

"There's no need to call me 'sir', Corporal."

The words had escaped before you knew what you were saying. All around you, cadets and veterans alike stared in shocked silence. You were well aware that you had just committed suicide, but you didn't regret the words. You met Levi's glare with equal force and didn't look away.

Before you knew what was happening, Levi had grabbed your shirt in his fist. He pulled you down so that your face was mere inches from his. Anger would have been an extremely tepid way to describe the tempest in his eyes. He was seething rage.

"You will run until the sun sets," he hissed. "And don't even bother showing up for dinner."

Levi threw you back so roughly that you lost your balance and fell to the ground.

By the time you were able to lift your head, he was already storming away. As you stood, angry tears pricked the corners of your eyes, but you refused to cry because of a jerk like Levi. You squared your shoulders and headed off in the direction of the running track.


High above, Erwin, Mike, and Hanji stood in the commander's office, watching the scene unfold through the open window.

"He's been on (l/n)'s case ever since she got here," Mike remarked. "Why does he treat her like that?"

Erwin mused, "I have my suspicions. We'll see if they're correct."

"But shouldn't we do something?" Hanji blurted. "I mean, it's not fair – "

"No," Erwin stated. "We'll keep an eye on the situation, but for now, just let them sort it out on their own."

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