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The atmosphere at the table is so thick that it could be cut by scissors. No one has said anything so far and the oldest couple at the end of the table is very confused of the fact that it's so silent.

"Uhm.. how are you Jungkook sweetie?", the elder woman finally asks, breaking the silence and bringing everyone's attention to the already uncomfortable boy who just parts his lips and sends a panicked look at Namjoon.

"Mom, why is Taehyung here?", Namjoon asks instead of letting the younger boy suffer any more than necessary. The man's mom just lifts her eyebrow in confusion and then lets out a scoff that could even be mistaken as a choked chuckle.

"Seriously Namjoon? It happened almost ten years ago, get done and over with it already", the woman says and finally lets out a chuckle. Namjoon's eyes widen at the woman's words and the sudden embarrassing memories from his high school years.

"What happened then?", an annoying female voice chirps up from the other side of the table, causing Jungkook to press his head deeper into his chest so the woman doesn't recognise his face from the unforgotten night at the club. He's sure she would remember the dress incident.

A chuckle is heard from the end of the table again and finally Jungkook raises his head to glance towards Mrs.Kim to hear the interesting sounding story better. The woman takes a sip from her glass of wine before glancing at his quiet husband.

"Do you remember it love?", Namjoon's mom asks but she only gets a shake of a head as an answer from the old man next to her. She snickers at the gesture before taking another sip of the drink and opening her mouth to speak.

"My son here is still bitter about the incident that happened when these cousins were still in high school", the woman starts and reaches for a napkin to clean her mouth from any dirt, not knowing that it's useless as her mouth is as clean as it could be.

"Apparently Taehyung stole my poor son's girlfriend and Namjoon has still not gotten over it. The girl was a slut son, why are you still crying over her?", the woman finishes her story with a question that causes Taehyung to chuckle, who knows for what reason. Jungkook can't help but think that Taehyung is thinking something like; 'he seems to have a thing for sluts'. Not like he cares but the idea makes him feel even more uncomfortable than he already does by the situation at hand.

"Mom! You know that's not everything that happened and I do not cry over her! I couldn't care less about her ugly ass when I have this eye candy right next to me", Namjoon says and sends a sly wink to Jungkook who only hits his chest and not at all intentionally glances towards Taehyung who seems to be somewhat disgusted.

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