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Before AOU

Since I live in New York Broadway is easy to get to but tickets are worth the price of my soul and I have no way to make money so I have to suffer while listening to Hamilton on my phone.

Currently the team is on a mission without me because I had school so I invited Peter and Ned over. They'll be gone before everyone comes home because I have a overprotective dad that hates any teenage male that comes within six feet from me.

We sat down in my living room watching Star Wars and I had my legs on Peter's lap.

"I'm bored, we should go to the park or something." I said in my bored tone.

"Won't Jarvis know that you have left and tell your dad?"

"I'm allowed to go to the park dingus." I slapped his head.

"We could go get ice cream or something..."

Peter shook his head. "I'm saving up for Hamilton tickets, they're so expensive."

"Hey this is my favorite part, shhh." Ned blinked at us then looked back at the computer.

I suddenly heard footsteps from above us. A break in? Wait but from the roof though...

"Jarvis who's here?" I stood up. Peter and Ned looked scared.

"The quinjet just parked ma'm, they came back early." He announced to me.

"Shit, go go." I grabbed Peter and Ned's arms and ran to the staircase.

I was about to walk through the staircase door when Dad, Tony and Nat walked through. Probably talking about the mission.

"Where are you going?" Dad saw my awkward pose because I was leaning against the door.

"Hamilton!" I quickly made an excuse.

"Hamilton?" He repeated what I said.

"Yeah I was gonna go see how much Hamilton tickets were." I nodded, kinda scared because Peter and Ned are on the other side of the door probably fangirling that they can hear three avengers.

"Aren't they like 300 bucks or something." Nat grabbed one of my apple juice pouches from the fridge.

"I was gonna use my birthday money." I shrugged.

"Here." Tony tossed me his credit card and I gave him a shocked look. "Don't use your birthday money, feel free to invite a friend."

"How about two?" I asked.

"Sure." He didn't even give me a phased look.

"Be careful." Dad told me and turned his attention to some files.

"Okay bye, thanks tony!" I yelled and opened the door.

"You have Tony Stark's credit card!" Ned said a bit loud so I covered his mouth.

"Yeah? Let's go!" I started running down the stairs because I'm excited for my first Broadway show.

I wrote this in honor of my obsession with Hamilton.

Also meet my new husband

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Also meet my new husband.

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