peaceful sleeper

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(Takes place after age of ultron)

Hazel's POV

I looked around, trapped in a pitch black room. I felt a bag over my head and then suddenly it was aggressively taken off.

"How does it feel to be powerful?" I heard the voice of the ever familiar, phillip.

I noticed my hands and arms were smaller, I also felt shorter. I'm in my little girl body.

"Good." I replied, I couldn't control my body or what I say for that matter. I'm just watching it seems.

"Now, do what you're supposed to do. Kill."

I got up and walked outside the door, my small legs took my to an apartment. Peggy's apartment.

I walked up the stairs and into the familiar spaces. I noticed my shoes and my red coat.

If my stuff is here then why was I just with that monster of a man.

I opened the door to my room and saw myself sleeping peacefully in my room. my chest rising and falling and my blonde hair messy all over my face.

Suddenly I pounced on the bed, grabbed the pillow beside my other self and held it over her- my face?

Oh god I need to wake up, okay I get it. I'm in a a nightmare.


My eyes opened and I was in my room, at the upstate avengers base.

Sweat and tears ran down my back and face. I jumped up and ran out of my room and across the hall to my dad's room.

It was five am and he's asleep, he's a peaceful sleeper like me but he drools.

"Dad." I whispered, nudging him with my right hand while my left wiped my tears away.

His eyes opened and he yawned and patted my arm and then shut his eyes again.

"Dad." I said a bit louder and then he fully woke up, noticing my tears.

"What's wrong tiger." His tired voice was heard and he sat up, moved over and pulled me over beside him.

I rested my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes. "Nightmare." I simply said.

He knows I hate talking about them so he never asks me what happens.

"You're okay, it won't get to you." He wrapped his arm around me and comforted me.

my eyes shut slowly, peaceful sleep finally coming to me.

3rd Person POV

Steve held Hazel for a bit before he realized she fell asleep.

Hazel could fall asleep in the weirdest of places like when she was doing homework or even in a meeting.

Steve got up, gently laid her head down and then pulled the covers over her. It was almost time for him to wake up anyway so he tucked her in and kissed her forehead before walking out to get ready for the day.

He was proud of himself for his 'expert' parenting and getting hazel to sleep peacefully.

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