a familiar visitor

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While living in avengers tower.

I stood on the terrace outside, playing with a volleyball. Tony has an invisible wall across the edge because of an unfortunate volleyball that was hit over into the streets. At least no one died.

I had music playing on my small speaker sat on a chair.

"We are the champions, my friends" I sang along.

Someone touched my shoulder and I flung the ball, hitting Dad right in the face.

I started laughing. "Y-you-you" I couldn't speak because I was laughing so hard.

"Very funny." He wasn't in any pain because hey, super solider.

"An old friend is coming over later, around three." He picked up my volleyball.

"I don't have old friends, they're all old or dead." I tried to get my ball back but it raised it high and I'm a short cookie.

"You have one." He brought the ball slowly back down then lifted it back up and I tried to grab it.

I jumped and tried to get it. "Whatever..." I gave up and started walking back to my room.

I felt the ball hit the back of my head.

"Payback." He smiled and walked away.

                             •   •   •

I sat in the huge glass widowed room where Tony normally has parties, he's doesn't have many now that the avengers stay and he's normally super busy. 

Dad walked in. "Don't tell me you forgot."

"Forget what?"

He pointed to the elevator, "let's go."

"No this sofa is really comfortable, how do I know you're not going to take to to the dentist or something?"

He knew, he knew I wouldn't budge so he picked me up like a sack of potato's and carried me into the elevator.

"Put me down!" I kicked his back.

When the elevator closed he put me down.

"I'm not going to the dentist."

"It's not the dentist." He stepped up to the door.

"How do I know if you're lying?" The door opened.

"HAZ!" I heard a yell.

I looked to my right and saw my old buddy, the only one I trusted in Washington.

She ran and hugged me but tripped and took me down with her. "CLARA!"

"I'm suffocating, let me go!" I grunted.

She stood up and then helped me. "We barely got to talk after you where revealed to the world."

"Yeah we had to get out of there fast, safely issue."

"Because of hydra..." She trailed off

"Yep, but that's a touchy subject so how about we go do something?"

I looked up at my dad. "Hey can I borrow ten bucks?"

"What for?"

"Ice cream."

"What Ice cream costs ten bucks, we can just go to the store."

"You're no fun." I huffed and grabbed Clara's arm.

"There's a fun park nearby with a carousel." I said.

"Does he always follow you?" She said looking behind at my Dad.

"Oh yeah he's so over protective it's not even funny."

She laughed as we walked down the street.

I missed my old friend.

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