Road trip

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9:00 (Shuhua)

I woke up next to Soojin still holding onto me

Turning around facing her I couldn't help, but be taken aback by her visuals she is truly beautiful.

Moving her loose strand of hair on her face, I placed a delicate kiss on her cheek

"You can kiss my lips if you want" Soojin said in her sleepy voice which was very attractive

I felt a blush chirp up

"N-No your breath probably smells"

Soojin slowly opened her eyes "let's find out"

She pulled my waist closer and closed the gap between us.. my heart never fails to beat like crazy, Soojin just has that effect on me

I know it won't ever go away

Placing my hands around her neck I deepened the kiss that turned it a make out

Cherry lips

Soojin switched out positions hovering over me not letting go of my lips

I know we can't go further I'm not ready yet, I'm still afraid she may leave me and that's still something I need to figure out

Soojin slowly let go looking into my eyes with love

"I know you aren't ready" she smiled placing a soft kiss on my lips "I'm patient Shuhua don't forget" Soojin said flicking my nose

She really just read my mind

"Thank you" I winked "now let's get changed"


Me and yuqi have been walking for the past thirty minutes looking for a snow cone place since it's really really hot

Soojin and the other were grocery shopping for snacks for tonight.

Yup we are going on a two day vacation at a lake today at four, still not sure where but I do know that we will be staying in a cabin

Relaxing with the girls will be something we all need especially that I've been feeling tense, but the lake is something I'm not doing, I'm afraid of deep waters.

"Ya Shuhua right there" Yuqi pointed out running to the cute little Snow Cone Shop

I sad smile crept on my face as I remembered how me and my Dad would go get snow cones

I really do miss him so much..

"Shuhua come on" Yuqi said getting me out of my thoughts

Walking to Yuqi I noticed how she was super excited like a little kid

"Hi Ladies what can I get you" The young lady said with a little wink

"Hi Mrs can I get a strawberry snow cone, and Shu what do you want" she loudly said

Why did she say Mrs the girl looked about our age

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