Runs And Guns (Ft. Kai JongIn of EXO)

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I look at the sleeping figure on the bed. She was so beautiful. If I thought back, I would just dare to leave her up. It was because my life was a trouble. I don't want her to involve either. I loved her so much that I don't dare to drag her along.

Just at the thought of leaving her, scared my ass off. I don't want to be without her. We had been three years together. Instead of telling her, I just keep the secret shut. Well, my gang, The Exo had been helping to secure her well. I just hope the other gang won't found her and let her live normally.

As I was in deep thought, I saw her shifting her sleeping position. She was cute. I moved towards her and sat beside her.

"Are you awake?" I asked her. She just hummed as an answer. I leaned down and kiss her cheeks. Damn, I love her so much.

My phone buzzed. Signaling a message came. I took it from the table beside the bed and opened the message.

From : Leader SuHo

JongIn ah, come to meet me in 30 minutes. It's urgent.

I take a quick glance at HyeJeong and reply the text back.

'Okay hyung. I'll come.' That's all I text him.

"HyeJeong ah, I got to go." she looked at me with a pout on her face.

"So you have to?" she asked while still pouting. Oh My God. I don't want to.

"Hmm...I'm sorry but I should get going. Take care okay? I'll be back soon."

At the basement A.K.A E.X.O Headquarters.

JongIn enter the basement after inserting the passcode needed. Every head turn to look at him.

"You've come." SuHo, the first one to speak to him. JongIn just raise one of his eyebrow while smirking.

"Have I ever abandoned your command, dear Leader?" JongIn said while bowing.

"Yah! But, you always neglecting me!" Kris speak up. "I'm also a leader!" The others then burst out laughing their asses off.

"Yah! Hyung! You should look at your face at that time. It's so freakin' funny." SeHun complemented while laughing.

"Yah! You guys are so noisy!" Umin spoke up. The room is then fill with silence.

" Let's get started. How is security doing? LuHan?" SuHo asked towards LuHan. LuHan stand up and walked towards the board situated at their center.

"Well, at this rate, everything is under control. Like in everyone's residence is fine." LuHan said while showing the CCTV current record in hologram. "Just like you guys are seeing, everything is...what?" every head look on LuHan. Why did he stop?

"Why hyung?" Chanyeol asked. LuHan look at him.

"I got a problem. Lay, call the kids. Go to Kai's house. Now!" LuHan instructed. Lay nodded and straight away pull out his walkie talkie. Kai stand up.

"Why hyung?" he asked. LuHan point at one out of twelve CCTV record. It was only a pitch black record. Nothing can be seen.

"You see that? Your place can't be seen. HyeJeong might be in danger." Kai tensed up. Did he just said HyeJeong? Kai shook his head.

"You are our greatest fighter. Maybe that's why they want to attack you first. They know your weakness." LuHan stated.

"Hyung!" Kai said while looking at Lay.

"Okay. Kai. HyeJeong wasn't there? Did she told you anything?" Lay stated. Kai shook his head.

"She said nothing. Hyung, don't tell me that...." Kai was cutted off by SeHun. "Yes, she was kidnapped. Hurry hyung!" All run towards Kai's residence.

Kai bursted ruining his residence's door without even thinking. He ran into the house searching for every single clue on HyeJeong's dissappearance.

"JongIn, found anything?" SuHo said through the transmitter that attached to their ears. Kai hold the transmitter to reply. "Nothing hyung. You?" The Exo scattered in the house searching in every single place.

Kai walked and entered his bedroom that they both shared. What caught Kai's attention is the fact that his house looks like nobody did break in his house. Why is that?

Kai shrugged the thinking off his head, trying to focus. A note on the nightstand caught his attention. He walked to the note and hold it up.

Great work. You wanted her? Come then.

Your enemy #

Wait. Hashtag? Kai ran towards the others as they received an order to gathered at the front back.

"Hyung!" All head turned to him.

"Look at this. It's The Clan." he mentione another gang name. The Clan. They are the only one that uses hashtags. The Exo uses a hexagon. The Matoki uses a masked rabbit. Each gang differs. To hide their identity.

Ring, ring, ring

The housephone rang. SuHo went to pick it up.

"So, you already know right?" the voice on the other hand said proudly.

This one will continue in part 2. Sorry if it was too short. I was typing it using my smartphone. Mianhae! I know I don't have a regular reader yet. But, I will still writing in hope I got a few soon.

Follow me on instagram to know me more. Jung_Haneul_ is the name.

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