"I'm still listening, keep going." The redhead mumbled as he forced his eyes open.

Bakugou crossed his arms and leaned against the wall as he looked down to the boy who had laid down, head in bakugou's lap. "How much longer are you going to be listening dumba*s?" Bakugou questioned.

"I'm good, I'm up. I won't fall asleep. See?" He insisted as he sat up. Bakugou huffed and took the book again. He sighed as he found his place in what he was reading and began. "Suppose that an emergency occurs on a space station and an astronaut needs to manually move a free-floating four thousand kg space capsule away from a docking area. On earth, the astronaut knows she can hold a fifty kg weight above herself for three seconds. How quickly could she get the capsule moving?" Bakugou read, about halfway through he felt a weight in his lap again, obviously it being Kirishima. He moved the book from his vision to see the redhead fast asleep in his lap. "G*d you fall asleep so f*cking fast.." Bakugou mumbled as he poked the side of the boy's head. He looked over the sleeping kids in his room and sighed.

Well. He supposed that was it then. That was the end of their studying for the day. He shut the book once more and tossed it to the side of the bed. Kirishima's phone lit up with a message from Fat Gum. That was the big guy that Kirishima had his work study with wasn't it?

"Kiri." Bakugou gently shook the boy, he made no movements though. Bakugou grunted and looked at his phone. He didn't know the password so he just read what he could see of the message.

It seemed like Fat wanted him to come in the next day. Bakugou huffed again and narrowed his eyes, glancing at the redhead's lockscreen. "You're so f*cking gay..." Bakugou mumbled as he realized what it was, glancing at the boy's head in his lap, still asleep.

The picture was a whole bunch of pictures clipped into one. The center one was the one that was Bakugou's lockscreen, the picture of the whole group. Then there was a picture that Kirishima had taken of him at the hospital to show him how his glasses looked, then several just of the other three idiots. Bakugou set the phone to the side and looked to the sleeping boy, examining his peaceful features with a frown.

He grunted as he leaned his head back against the wall.

"I might be just a little gay." He mumbled, his heart stopping when Kirishima shifted, moving to lay on his side. He grunted at realizing he was still asleep and tilted his head back against the wall again, closing his eyes.


He was awoken by giggling.


He wasn't supposed to be able to hear when he first woke up... He groggily moved his hand to his ear, feeling the hearing aids in his ears.

"F*ck.." He mumbled without opening his eyes or morning. It seemed the giggling had simply been his imagination as it had already stopped. So he simply snuggled back up and tried to go back to sleep, he was pretty sure it was saturday already so he had no need to get up.

Then there was another snort of laughter and a bright flash of light that forced him to open his eyes.

His eyes went from closed to wide extremely fast as he looked at the boy that was a matter of inches away from him. "What the f*ck!?" He shouted as he tried to back up but the wall was right behind him. "Kirishima. F*ck off!" He shouted as he tried to shove the boy away from himself, though the other boy was asleep and held a grip around Bakugou's waist.

"How the f*ck does this keep happening!? I swear to f*cking g*d if I don't stop end up being in gay positions with you I'm going to f*cking blow your brains out sh*tty hair!" He yelled, watching as Kirishima groaned and rubbed his eyes, rolling onto his back with a slight whine.

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