Part 7:- Old Me!

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𝑶𝒍𝒅 𝑴𝒆!

( Tom's POV)

Red as rose,
Tender as snowflakes,
Beauty ..........

Menacing beauty, the smell of blood always calmed my soul. I was going to be the best of all worlds; heaven, hell and earth.

Looks like all, my master plan, now nothing is left.

My palm burnt, the overwhelming feeling of pain took over me. I flopped back on my bed, letting the blood from my injured palm soak the white bedsheets.

The smell of the fresh blood made my stomach flip. This was so strange.

Slowly I made my way towards the restroom. Once I was in the restroom, I let the water from the tap wash my blood away.

"Give me back the old me!!" I shouted at my reflection.

I never felt so vulnerable, so exposed before in my whole life.


(Next day...)

My right hand was tightly wrapped with white bandages. The sting had reduced a bit.

I was walking down the hallway with my minions, sorry friends, when a hand reached and steadily held my hand, in hers.

(Y/N)'s, (H/C) hair curtained her beautiful face. She inspected my hand carefully, her (E/C) coloured eyes were blocked out of view due to her hair.

Her hands were shaking beneath mine, she didn't dare to look at me, and I could not bare to look at her.

'She cared!'
The realization, made my heart warm up, it was not the uncomfortable warmth when I saw her with Potter and Black. This was different kind of warmth, the warmth that told me I wanted to spend my life with her.


I have her a confused brow raise, but then I regretted it.
Those beautiful eyes were glossy and her eyes were slowly turning red.

I tore my hand away from her and said in my normal cold and cruel tone.

"Does not bother you."

Why am soo weird? Why did I say that?


Her eyes became glossier, as she kept on looking into my eyes.

Green and (E/C)
Danger and peace.
Blood and tears.
Betrayal and pain.
Love and love.

"And I thought you changed your ways."
It was a hushed whisper.
"Two months Riddle what do you want, stop giving me wrong sings."

"Who do you think you are? Someone special to me? Your just garbage!!"

I could not stop those words from coming out of my mouth.

She placed her right hand on her eyes as the clear liqiud caressed her delicate cheeks.p

"Sorry, I am just stupid."

(Y/N) walked away, away from me, far away.

Anger, lust for blood, hurting people.
I don't like this.
"Sure you do."
The voice at back of my head kept on whispering it.

"Don't come back."

You like it or not, but Old Tom Riddle is resurfacing, just a bit more powerful with these feelings.

After two months Tom Marvolo Riddle is back.


Hello beautiful people. Hope you like this really short chapter .

This chapter does not prove that Tom is like his dairy ,dangerously beautiful.

This shows the most vulnerable feelings a person can have. This proves that once a person understands love he/she does not want to go back to not loving someone, but sometimes circumstances make them.

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