Part 6:- Attention

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"She will wake with us." Tom said is a cruel tone, as he pulled onto (Y/N)'s arm.
"She is not your property Riddle!" Sirius replied harshly, as he also held onto (Y/N)'s arm.

(Y/N) just wanted to spend her Sunday peacefully, but it seemed like two young 5th year monkies never stop fighting. "Say that again Black. Same goes for you and you filthy hands."

"My hand might be filthy, but your soul is filthy, soo much difference!!" Sirius mocked.
(Y/N) was stuck in between the fight, but she noticed her redheaded friend waving at her with a grin on her face.
'Good save!' (Y/N) thought.
"Uhhh.... you both keep on fighting. I will go sit with my friends."
With that (Y/N) ran away from the fighting teens.


"He likes you." Lily said , as she chewed her bacon.
(Y/N)'s eyes widdened in surprise
"Like me?" "Lily, whom are you talking about?"

"Riddle of-course." Lily scofed and rolled her brilliant green eyes
"You are kidding me right now." (Y/N) said, holding her fork thightly.
"Change the subject." (Y/N) murmered, her eyes on her breakfast.

"Okay, just be careful. He is just not the best person to get involved with."

"Really not a great person.... huh?" (Y/N) wisphered to herself as she ate her food in silence, unbothered by her surroundings.


(Y/N) was in the library finishing her 11 inch long potions essay.

At last, when she was free she walked towards the tranfiguration classroom, because she knew Dumbledore will be there.
One knock on the door and it stood open, revealing a smiling Dumbledore.
"What makes you come here?"

Holding the object thightly in her hand she said ," I have come to give you something."
"Give me something dear?" The old man questioned raising his eyebrows.
"Then why don't you come in and take a seat?"

(Y/N) obeyed her mentor and sat down on a chair opposite to Dumbledore. Her playfull instincs kicked in when ever she looked at Dumbledore. A smile itched her lips. Staying with the twins had an advantage.

"Soo why did the chicken cross the road?." (Y/N) said grinning.
"Why?" Dumbledore replied with amusement in his blue eyes.
"To get to the idiot's house."
"Knock. Knock."
"Who's is there?" Dumbledore replied smiling because he knew what was coming next.
"The chicken." (Y/N) said wiggling her eyebrows.
"9 gallons. Tell that joke to Slughorn."
"Gotcha." The girl said winking at her Proffesor.

"So why are you here, my dear?" Dumbledore asked seriously.
"Sir I want to give you this."
(Y/N) unfolded her hand and a time turner sat delicatly on her hand.
"Ohh Alas!! You are returning it me?" The old man questioned.
"As far as I know myself dear, I would want you to keep it and get out trouble, when you don't succeed."

(Y/N)'s eyes were round as a coin by now
"You knew all along?."
"Only an anssumption dear!" Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling.
Sighing (Y/N) said it " If I ever fail make a girl named Hermione do it, she is excellent."

"I wouldn't have choosen you, if I thought you would fail."

But still the girl placed the turner on the table and smiled.
"If that is so. I won't need this then."

She got up and walked towards the door but she spun around with a stupid grin on her face
"I will get my 9 gallons."


She got her 9 gallons and went around the school pranking , she caught the attention of the prewett brothers. They both looked exactly like the Weasly twins.

Beign with them and pulling pranks on everybody made her feel home and it felt like Fred and George were right beside her.

Fabian Prewett, Gideon Prewett and (Y/N) (L/N) became friends.


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