Part 5: Made in hell

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♔︎♔︎♔︎𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍

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𝑴𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍


Tom had been ingnoring (Y/N), for days what seemed, like ages. He had been more tough than he was before, he had to keep his guards up, unlike other times. His cold, uneffected heart was still beating, only waiting for someone to melt it, which seemed even harder than before. His behaviour towards the certain redhead had come to hault. Even if he had done some nasty things to her in past, those were overlooked by his good looks and excellent grades.

If Dumbeldore had thought that breaking his curse would make him softer and kinder; he was horribly wrong.
Tom now understood something very important to hurt people; feelings. He could drive people crazy with just words and not the unforgivable curse. He was now able to master his manipulative skills.

He was sitting on the damp soil, under a tree. It had rained the previous day, cooling down the temparature. Tom held a book in front on his face, unbothered by the surrounding. His curiousity towards dark arts and a particular girl had increased, drastically. Tom was not reading for long when he heard something.

"Come on Siri, give it to me!!"
By now Tom was staring directly at the pair in front him.
The boy had one of his hand snaked around the girl's waist, and the other held a book, high above both of their heads.
He felt weird, he felt angry, sad, guilty, betrayed. Soo many feeling at the same moment. Tom was controlling himself from shouting at them. He had never seen anything more beautiful than the girl, but in someone elses arm; that did bother him.

Tom had got up on his legs , and was now walking towards the pair. He had tried his best to stop himself from getting involved with her, but in only seconds it will be destroyed. His green misty eyes were darker than usual as he walked towards them. They had not notice the boy arriving, so Tom had to clear his throat, to get their attention. Now that he had their attention he started.
"Morning black, morning (L/N). I am sorry to interupt you both, but I need to borrow (L/N) for a minute." He said in a composed tone. They both looked at each other and (Y/N) gave Sirius a node before walking off with the slytherin.
They walked away from Sirius and his laser like stare.
"What do you want snake man?" (Y/N) asked irritated.
"Wow, there the kitten got claws." Riddle muttered with his un-godly smirk.
Tom Marvolo Riddle' 'I am the master of all the girls heart' attitude was back.

"No, offence snake man, but you are disgusting."
Riddle raised his right eyebrow and went on with his conversation.
"What have I done, that such a lady like you is dissing me?"
(Y/N) was really really angry, just looking at him made her want to puch his face. She took a deep breath and let out her anger.
"Ohh!!! Go on. So are you suppose to be the one angry here? YOU, yes You first hex me, take me to the hospital wing. Then after 8 hours you come back and ask for apology. Then for 1 week 'THE TOM RIDDLE' ignore the heck out of the girl he injured." (Y/N) answered without taking a breath.

This girl was wierd to Tom, never had he ever thought that any girl her age or older than her would talk to him like this. He tried his best to stiffle a smile. Tom came to a decision ; he loved teasing her.
"Oh dear, you could told me that you miss me." He teased.
"I am going to snap your head off."
"And you don't have anything to say. I. AM. GOING." (Y/N) said and started to walk away.
Two pair of hands wraped around her waist. She looked up to meet ,a pair of dangerous green eyes. Tom's husky voice spoke near her ears giving her goosebumbs.
"I want you to stay away from Sirius Black."
"And honey, I am made by Satan; if I see you near him, in your words 'I am going to snap his head off."

He let go of her and she walked as fast as she could. Fading out of view.
"Mine." Riddle said licking his lips
He was pleased to see the effect he had on her. Like he said she was his; her heart, her smile, her eyes, her body even her soul .

He could kill anybody in an instant if they lay one finger on her. He was dangerous than before.


Sorry for the late update. I was really busy with my online class, I will try to update often.

Bye for now and stay safe.😊😊

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