6 - Doing Better than I Ever Was

Start from the beginning

"Again, why would I do this? You must be smart enough to know that I didn't return to do rookie training exercises."

"You are the most experienced senior agent in the region right now."

I thought to myself, if it was a basic op why would they need such a skilled senior agent?

James continued, "and this is your job. Don't forget that."

"How could I? You don't let me forget it as much as I try," I wanted to yell into the phone instead it came out as an angry whisper.

"If you hadn't noticed, none of your assets were frozen during your little vacation. They will be if you don't take this job. Honestly, you have a lot to lose if you don't take this job," James' voice got quiet at the end.

Would they come after my family? I had no choice. I never did.

"Fine, send me the information. I'll be briefed for tomorrow and in position." I accepted.

"You still got all your scouting spots and supplies?"

"Uh huh."

"Hey Taylor, believe me when I say I'm not trying to ruin your life. I am bound under orders as well. I think soon enough, you may thank me for putting you on this op."

I hung up without responding. I have nothing to thank him for. Deep breaths and smile. I strolled back to the kitchen to see that my family was no longer playing cards but looking at old photo albums. "She was just the cutest," I heard my mom tell Joe.

"Are you sharing embarassing stories?" Everyone turned to look at me.

"No, not embarassing," my mom winked at me.

"Are you okay, T?" Austin read the expression on my face. Before I could answer he stood up and walked me back out into the hall.

He could read my facial expressions better than anyone. I guess I had lost my lying touch being gone so long. My brother stood so that we were face to face. "What's up? You're acting weird."

"I'm just stressed with work." It wasn't a lie. I was stressed about work just not music work.

"Before you got that call you were in a completely different world. Don't let the stress get to you. I know last year was more than rough. You endured a lot. But I see you now and you seem better than ever. Calmer, happier, healthier. The sister I remember growing up. Still just as ambitious."

I smiled. My not so little brother always knew how to cheer me up.

Until he said, "you know you can tell me anything."

I nodded. I wished that I could, but I couldn't tell him everything. Not about my life as an agent. It was already bad enough that Mom knew.

"If it matters to you, I think Joe is perfect for you. He loves you. I can see it in the way he looks at you and talks to you. Mom and Dad like him too," Austin let me know.

"So is this why you really came into town? Not to see me but to check upon my boyfriend?" I joked.

"Maybe. I can do both."

Nothing like a brother to bring you back into the real world and your childish fun at the same time.

That night as Joe and I got ready for bed, I mentioned, "I have to do some work downtown tomorrow. You can hang here with my family or come back to my apartment."

"You know as much as I love your family, hanging alone in your apartment sounds even better. Plus, I'd love to go downtown. I've never really gotten to see your apartment or the city," Joe told me.

"You know, we still really have to be careful around here. The paparazzi aren't as bad, but as soon as the fans know I'm in town it's over. I'm just not ready for everyone to know about us," I confessed. I wanted Joe all to myself for as long as I could have that.

Joe nodded and said, "I understand."

We kissed goodnight and flipped the lights off. I waited a solid thirty minutes for him to fall asleep before reaching for my laptop. I hadn't read my operation brief yet. As I skimmed through the document, I noticed that this intel drop had sensitive information that I didn't even have clearance for. Other than that, it seemed like a standard item drop off. I was supposed to watch from above in an office building and coordinate everyone's comm devices. Then, I was supposed to deliver the package to the next agent.

At the very bottom, I read some of the additional notes. MI6 defector. Everyone armed and alert for MI6. Package is priority.

This operation was going to be much trickier than I thought.

Took some time to figure out the direction of this book. Wanted to add some more agent material. Anything you guys want to see in coming chapters? Charcters or plot lines?

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