The Lost Prince

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This is all the Lost Prince parts so far. 
The Lost Prince is a CrossMare oneshot series I posted in my CrossMare oneshot book in Archive,
There is also a prequel called The Found Price but that isn’t here.

Anyway enjoy, this is one hell of a long chapter 


Cross hung his head as he kicked at the rocks. He could hear the captain of the royal guard barking orders and just kept his head down in a vain attempt to keep himself from being called out. 
“Oi! You!” The second in command strolled over to him.
“Yes sir?” Cross bit his metaphorical tongue to keep from spitting out a remark or stepping back.
“Got a family?” He hissed and Cross thought back to his family with a small smile. He thought of his husband and their rather young sons.
“Yes sir.” Cross said standing up straighter.
“Then go and write them a letter before we go into battle.” The second in command pointed to the group near a tent.
“Why sir?” Cross asked and the second in command flicked his forehead.
“We are going into battle. Don’t you want them to know if you pass?” He snarled and Cross’s eyes widened before nodding.

“Second in command? Why aren’t you writing a letter?” Cross asked later that night after finishing his 3rd letter.
“No family left for me back in the kingdom… what’s your family like? You wrote a lot of letters for a guy so young.” He pointed out and Cross laughed.
“I married when I was 18. We have 3 boys and my dearest was nearly finished carrying a fourth child when I left.” Cross hummed, pulling out a 4th piece of paper.
“And how old are you, boy?” He asked.
“I’m twenty-six sir.” Cross hummed.
“And your mate? Your sons?” The second in command asked. 
“My mate? Well he will be twenty six in a month from today. My boys? My eldest, Incubux, is seven now. Then there is Nixss, 5. Moonlight is almost 3,and my mate wrote a few weeks ago about our youngest’s birth. His name is Noah.” Cross hummed. The second in command frowned.
“I’ll try to get you home to them,” he stood and walked away.

“Second in command?” Cross watching in horror as the guard threw himself in front of the younger soldier.
“Make It home to your kids.” He coughed and Cross nodded. He sat with the second in command until he passed. 

“Hey mr? Have you seen our dad?”
“Sir? Have you seen our dad? Did he make it home?” 
Cross smiled when he saw his oldest two sons, Incubux clutching Nixss’ hand to keep him from leaving his side. Cross felt his heart burst with joy.
“Boys!” Cross called and both skele children squealed when they saw their father.
"Dad!" Incubux basically dragged his younger brother to their father. Nixss immediately launched himself at Cross who happily scooped him up and cuddled him close. Incubux rushed up as his father adjusted the younger. Incubux leaned against his father, wrapping his arms around Cross like he might just disappear.
“Hey… I missed you too boys… I missed you too.” Cross whispered. Nixss has started crying and Cross sighed.
“You were gone so long and… and… they said a lot of people died and…” Nixss tried to explain and Cross frowned again.
“I’m right here… I didn’t die… I’m right here… do you two wanna come with me to collect my things and be discharged or do you guys wanna head home without me?” Cross asked as he gently stroked his son's skull.
“With you.” Both boys said at once and Cross nodded.
“Then let’s go.”

The captain smiled when he saw Cross with two of his sons. Practically all survivors knew how the second in command died for Cross, so he could see his family again. 
“Hello. So I’m guessing these two are your eldest?” He smiled as Cross walked over. The lesser soldier nodded softly.
“Did he have anyone who cared about him?” He asked and the captain nodded.
“Me. I cared about him. I want you to know… he would be so happy to see you with them again.” The captain whispered and Cross smiled.
“I owe my life to him. I got to see my sons again, and meet my youngest, because of him… I wanted to thank you…” Cross hung his head and the eldest, who wasn’t in his father’s arms, copied him while Nixss just stared at the captain who had teared up.
“Your welcome… now go home. See your mate and your younger two. Celebrate your return. I’ll see you in two weeks once your leave is finished.” He spoke and Cross nodded, turning and leaving. Incubux looked back at the captain and smiled.

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