Chapter 14

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Fair warning, in the next few chapters, I will be tapping into some mature themes. Key word being themes. I'm not one of those people who feel comfortable writing smut-like stuff. This will be a little more towards the mature side of things than I've previously ever written in any of my stories. ENJOY!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"America, you never actually told me the full story on why my father caned you." I winced at the words, I couldn't lie to him, I had to tell him the truth

"It's a long story Maxon."

"We have time. If we didn't I would make time."

"Okay. I was on my way back to my room from the gardens and I crossed paths with him. He asked me where you were, I told him I didn't know. He didn't believe me. He thought I was lying and tying to protect you, maybe this was after you told him you chose me?"

"No. I had already gotten a lashing after I told him. It doesn't make any sense why he would come after me for a second time."

"It was probably something else then, I don't know. He just told me to follow him, I already knew what was coming. I saw you down a hallway with an advisor. I could've given you up right then and there and let him cane you again, but I didn't. " I didn't make eye contact the entire time I was talking "Oh. maybe it wasn't that long of a story." I let out a shallow laugh

"Why? Why would you do that?" He looked like he was going to cry

"Because I love you Maxon. Because your back is already so torn up, a lot from my mistakes. I owed you this"

"America Rose Singer." He stood up, his voice held authority "You don't owe me anything, you never have, you never will. At least not something as bad as this.

"Your dad has been telling me for weeks to just keep my mouth shut. I did. I didn't tell him I saw you. I kept my mouth shut"

"Of all times for you to listen to my father, this was the worst one. It resulted in what I feared it would if you didn't listen to him."

'Maxon, it was the right choice. Especially when a lot of those are on your back so they wouldn't be on mine." Maxon hugged me then pulled back and looked at his watch

"Shoot. You have to get ready." He said and pulled up up before practically shoving me in my room

"Um, why?"

"We may or may not have a short little meeting in like 15 minutes." He winced preparing for me to yell at him, I didn't. Instead I took off running to my closet.

"Blue or red?" I called from there


I came out with two dresses, a light blue one with crossing straps in the back and the other was a royal blue with straight straps with a white belt "Which one?"

"Light blue, definitely." He pointed to it

"Hold this" I shoved the dress in his arms and ran to put the other one back. I came back with silver ballet flats and a thin, white sweater. I added those to the pile he was holding and went to the bathroom to brush my hair, teeth, and do my makeup. I came back out 10 minutes later to see Maxon exactly how I left him, standing, holding all my stuff. "Help me." He put the shoes and sweater on the bed and helped me into my dress. As he zipped the back he placed soft kisses on each of my cuts. As soon as he finished with the zipper, he spun me around to face him then kissed me. I brought my hands up to the back of his neck and pulled him closer. Maxon bit my bottom lip "Maxon, I love you but we have a meeting to get to." I grabbed my shoes and put them on "Time check."

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