Chapter 2

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"Attention students," an older gentleman who appeared to be in his late forties stood behind the podium on stage. His crisp, pale gray suit was a stark contrast to the bright red tie that hung around his neck. Red, one of the two school colors. The other being white. "If you'll all please take your seats, we would like to begin."

The noise from the students became almost nonexistent, aside from the unfolding of chair as those who were left standing found open seats. The man behind the podium waiting for all sound to die down before speaking. He cleared his throat and put on a charming smile. "Good afternoon, everyone. For those who don't know me personally, my name is Samuel Hayden, your current community leader and Dean of Hayden Academy. My great-great grandfather and town founder, Benjamin Hayden, had a vision, a vision of a community of peaceful people who focused on themselves in order to make this community all it could be. Each one of you is the next step in line to create a new generation of citizens that focus solely on themselves and the betterment of the community. When Benjamin founded this community, he eliminated the one thing he believed took away from focusing on yourself: finding the person you believed you could spend your life with."

Samuel took a break to look around the room at the faces that stared back at him. When his gaze passed over Alissa, she squirmed in her seat. Did he know?

"With that, our Academy and town was created in order to give folks a more peaceful life, free of the biggest decision they had to make. No longer would there be false love or heartbreak or the menial task of going on pointless dates. The decision would be made for you, giving you the time to better yourself and make yourself the best you can be. That was the true vision of my great-great grandfather, and here we all are today.

"As High Tear students who have reached their final day of their second year, you are one day closer to your Pairing Day. As a formality, I have the privilege of congratulating and informing you on the day that lies ahead and the results of that day.

"One month from tomorrow, on August 1st, you will move back into your respective rooms in the dormitories. During the day, you will be required to report to the nurse's office for a physical that determines sexual exposure. That evening you and your immediate families will be invited to the ceremony for your Pairing Day. At this ceremony, you and a member of the opposite sex will be paired together, chosen by The Council. The pairs are meant to produce happy and fruitful lives together. As a reminder, these pairs are not chosen as random. The Council has been watching all of you for years, learning who you are and what makes you you. Your other half may not be your exact match, but it will be perfect in the eyes of the community.

"Upon the end of the pairing ceremony, you are to go to the dining hall. If you remember your previous years, all other students will eat earlier than you. This gives you and your pair time to get to know each other during your first meal together. Benjamin found that this initial connection was important to building a healthy relationship.

"On August 2nd, you will receive your class schedules. On the schedule, you will notice a new class that is only once a week. It is called 'Counseling.' You and your pair will be assigned a specific time on a specific day of the week where you will attend a counseling session together. There, you both will run through exercises that will help the two of you connect on a deeper level. These sessions go down to once per month during your final year.

"As a consolation, pairs will have the opportunity to opt into a bi-weekly outing. These outings are not monitored with the trust that you will...behave. Lastly, within the two-week span post your final day of year four, you will attend your Ceremony. Here, the pairs will be wed, allowing them to happily live out their lives together as they see fit.

"However, this brings me to some of the consequences that have occurred in the past. As you learned at the assembly at the beginning of your past years, all forms of intimacy between members of the opposite sex are strictly prohibited pre-Pairing Day. Failure to comply will result in jail, excommunication, or death depending on the severity. At your physical on August 1st, if our technology determines that you are not a virgin, you will be forced to leave the community. After pairing day, you are free to kiss and do as you please, but remember that you will take this physical again before your Ceremony. Prior to your Ceremony, you must remain a virgin.

"If you are one of the few who come to the unfortunate means of ending up without a pair, you will be placed into an alternate pool."

A few voices began to perk up at this. An alternate pool? This was something students didn't normally discuss. Alissa thought for a moment. If someone had an older sibling in the alternate pool, they probably didn't want to discuss it as it meant you weren't picked to be with anyone. Some students began to worry.

"Quiet, please!" Samuel rose his hands, attempting to quiet the crowd. "If you end up in the alternate pool, please do not worry. There is a way to getting paired this way. If half of a pair were to break the rules pre-Ceremony, the non-offending student would enter the alternate pool. From here, new pairs can be made. It is very rare we have people who never get a pair."

Alissa looked around the room. That seemed to calm the students. She, however, still felt on edge. Without realizing it, she began to wring her hands together. Suddenly, she felt Sabree's hand grab hers and give it a light squeeze. The two looked at each other. Sabree dramatically took in a silent breath and let it out. Alissa took a breath in and released it. Sabree smiled and returned her attention to the stage.

"There is one final detail I would like to make known." Samuel took a deep breath, almost as if he were afraid of the information he was about to share. He gripped the sides of the podium tightly. "After your Ceremony, your life is your own. The two of you will be free to make your own decisions. Myself and the rest of The Council have faith that you will maintain a happy life together, building a life that the next generation will look up to. However, as we have had in the past, there are rare instances in which pairs do not work out. Whether this is due to infidelity or a shared...disinterest for one another, myself and The Council will judge whether or not the pair will remain together and what the potential consequences may transpire if the need arises. Just know that if this does occur, you will remain as a single."

The room remained silent. Alissa looked around at her fellow students. She could see the fear in their eyes, the fear that they would never know love. From their first year of Low Tear school, they were taught to put their trust in The Council. They would choose the right person for you and the two of you would be forever a pair. The two halves of a whole. Each other's one and only love. Now, with this new information that had been withheld from them, it was frightening to think that they might not have what they were always promised. Apparently, older students were to keep this information a secret. Even Alissa's older sister, Jane, who was merely a week away from her Ceremony, had withheld this horrible possibility.

Samuel released his grip on the podium and smiled as if he hadn't just crushed the lives of each and every student there. "Are there any questions?"

No hands raised. No one dared move.

"Very well. I wish you all the best of luck. Remember that tomorrow you must be checked out by six. Breakfast and lunch will be provided as usual, but dinner will not be available. Enjoy your last day as a High Tear, Year Two student. Your future is together."

The room erupted in applause. Samuel stepped down from the podium and exited from the stage. Students began standing to retrieve their belongings. The noise level rose with the excitement of their upcoming Pairing Day.

Sabree looked down at her watch as she grabbed her bag. "Looks like we still have some time before dinner. Do you want to go sit outside or something?"

Alissa stood in a daze. "Uh, I think I'm going to go back to the room and drop my bag off first. I'll meet you by the fountain." She slung her backpack over her shoulder and hurried up the isle towards the exit.

Sabree's shouts of protest became lost in the crowd of ever-growing voices.

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