Chapter 7 Daddy

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One month later and I still haven't gotten the courage to go home yet. My mind has been In overdrive wondering if he has a family now a wife children would he even want to see me the mistake of a daughter. Over this month I've been wondering and searching my memory to see if any of my mother's words were true about my daddy that he didn't want me but I couldn't find a single one. It's just a week till Christmas and even if he doesn't want to see me too me just see him will be the best Christmas present. Sighing I get up 'okay I'm going to do this' I encourage myself. Getting out of bed I go and shower afterward I walk over to my dresser opening the top draw I pull out a white vest and red bra closing that draw I open the second one pulling out some back jeans panties and socks. Closing that draw I dry my body and pull on my underwear afterward I pull on my tank top then my socks and finally my jeans.

Walking towards the closet I open the door and pull out a black fluffy sweater pulling it ontop I pull out my coat throwing it on the bed I close the closer and drab my brush off the dresser brushing my hair I then side braid it and grab my purse gloves and key. Pulling on my coat I zip it up and put my purse in my pocket.

Closing the door I lock it and pit the key in my hand as I pull on my glove then swap it to the other hand as I pull my other glove on pulling my hood up I walk out the Inn.

Going towards my car I open it and climb in, putting the key in the ignition I turn it however it just makes a noise. Doing it two more times I give up. Getting out I close the door and lock the car shoving my keys into my pocket with my purse I close it. Deciding to walk I make my way towards the center of town.

The crunching sound of my boots on the snow makes me realize how real this is. Stuck in my head I almost trip looking down o see a young girl hiding behind a fire hydrant as a boy throws snowballs at her.

Looking around I spot a big patch of snow locking it up I mold it into a ball walking towards her I crouch down

"Hey, there sweetie you okay?"

"uh um mommy said to not to talk to strangers," she said looking away from me

Sighing I hold my hand out with the snowball in it but she still doesn't look my way. Softly smiling I spot more patches of snow. Molding all he snowballs I can next to her I put the big one on top of the rest. Walking away I look back towards her. Her small hand tentatively reaching for the large ball. Looking back at me I stand straight and make a throwing motion at the boy grabbing the ball she reals her arm back and throws it at him which hits him in the chest one after the other laughing I turn around and continue walking.

After half an hour I reach the snow-covered path taking a deep breath I push myself forward. Looking around the familiar land I see where the horses used to be now were covered in snow looking towards the house it looks the same even the tree at the side with the swing.

Walking up the steps onto the porch I approach the door lifting my gloved hand I raped three times opening my hand it fell off the door towards my side. Waiting and waiting there was no answer knocking again I prepared for what was going to happen a man and woman happy in love kids running around the smell of food. After waiting I decided they couldn't hear me. Turning around I walked down the steps. Reaching the last one the door opens to reveal a man.

However, this man was not my dad. This man was young in the late twenties I'm guessing he has brown hair and eyes a handsome face high cheekbones plump lips strong jaw. Standing tall at 6′5-6′8 possibly and well very muscular even through his sweater

"yes?" his voice is smooth yet gruff with an accent

"um- I'm looking for someone"


"John. John James" I reply realizing I remembered his name.

"he's out at the moment what is your business with him?"

"I'm I just wanted to talk to him but I'll come back later uh happy holidays," I say turning around and walking away

"how do you know John?" I ask 'its a two-way street buddy' i think to myself

"I work here, take care of the animals and the house when Johns away"

"hey wait! You can wait inside" he yelled

"I don't want to be a bother"

"my mother would hang me by the balls for leaving a woman out in the snow," he said opening the door wider grimacing. Tentatively walking up the steps I take a deep breath walking across the threshold into the warmth.

Closing the door behind me he asks

"May I take your coat?"

"uh okay," I say removing my gloves I put them in my coat pocket. Unzipping it, I slip it off taking it he hands it on the coat rack.

"may you take your shoes off"

Nodding I sit down on the bench. Unfastening my shoes I remove them and place them with the others.

walking into the familiar room it's dull there are no decorations no people no smell.

"would you like something to drink tea, coffee, hot chocolate, eggnog?"

"hot chocolate," I say he nods walking towards the kitchen I sit down on the couch coming in a few minutes later with two cups he gives me mine and sits down.

"So what's your name?" I ask the man

"Ethan yours?"


"that's a pretty name," he said

"When will John be home?"

"he's out at the store with Rose and Lucas" he replied must be his wife and kid I thought to myself.

After about ten minutes the door open and I could hear heavy footsteps and scratching on the floor of nails. After a short time, a man walked in a man I could recognize in seconds. A man I've never seen in years the man who's my entire world.

"Daddy" I whisper unknowingly tears pricking my eyes

Her cowboy his cowgirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora