Chapter 2 good night

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"Cassidy for god sake get back here now" mother calls. I quickly lock my door and put my back to it as I hear her footsteps on the stairs. I scramble off the door to my closet. I hear her rattle my door trying to her in "fuck off mother" I yell to her as I throw on my black jeans a blue flannel and my denim jacket. I quickly pull my black cowboy boots and grab my worn-out hat that daddy gave me. I grab my backpack and shove some of my clothes inside I quickly rush out of the closet and grab the chair from my desk and put it under the door handle so it's harder to get in. I rush to my bathroom and grab my toiletries and shove them into my bag with my clothes I run out of them and grab the stash I have under my bed I grab the food and water and finally I grab my jewelry box. I hear her banging and pushing against the door I don't have much time I shove it in and quickly zip it up I run to the window I open it and push it up I look back just to see her pushing the door open with my stepdad I slide down the roof my bag in my hand I jump off the ledge and onto the grass in a crouching position. It's not the first time I've got out through the window but now it's the last time. I look both ways for a sign of anyone. Once I don't see anyone I rush towards the street I climb over the gate and run as fast as I can.

After a while of running I hide in an alleyway I quickly drop I open my bag and grab the jewelry box that holds everything precious to me I reach to my neck and move my necklace with a key on it I take the key to the draw and open it, it clicks open and I see my stash od money I saved I grab a couple hundred. I've been planning this since my fourteenth birthday I grab my phone from my back pocket and the pin to open where my card is. I press the pin into the hole and the tray pops up I remove the sim and push the tray back in. I fold the sim between my fingers and throw it towards the wall then switch my phone off and shove it into my back pocket again and put the pin on my necklace then I lock the draw again. Then shove the box back into my bag and zip it up. I throw my backpack over one shoulder and start walking I know exactly where I'm going. The bus station. I make it there and the sun has started to set. I walk up to the booth to see a woman behind it she looks up towards me with boredom in her eyes

"how far towards south Jeserbell valley can I get with this?" I ask putting two hundred in front of her she just looks up and me and noisily l chews her gum while giving me a look that tells me she experiences this every day she types it into her computer "you can get to South Caunton we also take card" she shay's smacking her gum " I prefer cash and I'll take it" I say she deposits the money and gives me a ticket "your bus leaves in 50 minutes" she says and then goes back onto her phone I look down at my ticket as I try to find my bus. I finally spot it and climb on board giving the driver my ticket when he gives me the clear, I find a seat on the slightly crowded bus I take a seat at the middle against the window and put my bag next to me then throw my legs over it and cross them. After a short while, u get peckish so I open my bag and grab a protein bar which I packed. I munch on it until everyone piles onto the bus and it starts to drive from the station and onto the road. It's a three-day trip until we reach Caunton. Ugh, four nights on a bus how fun note the sarcasm and pain.

I watch the trees pass in a blur of dark green and brown. The sky's dark and grey I can tell it's going to rain. Soon the bus slows and pulls to a stop I look out the other side of the buses window to see a rest stop

"Alright everyone if you need food I suggest you go get it now. We are halting here for the night" the bus conductor said and soon people were going to the vending machines outside the bathrooms and going to the bathrooms if the one on the bus was taken.

Soon everyone is back on the bus and eating what they bought after I eat I grab my bag and go to the bathroom. Afterward, I head back to my seat I put my bag in between the window and my back lying sideways I recline my seat backward making it more spacious I rest my head on the corner of the window my head reaching the chair like a pillow. I push the light on the roof of the bus, I pull my hat over my face and close my eyes letting the silence and snores of people soothe me into a restless sleep. I look around and see I'm in a living room that looks cozy and see the kitchen in the distance and a fridge filled with bad drawings I'm my younger self I see a young man looking at me lovingly as I hear music in the background we start to do a strange dance and we both laugh as I mess up the steps the man doing way better than me soon the song changes and I'm in my younger body I stand on the man's feet and he wraps his arms around me and sways we're dancing he soon picks my hands in his and makes them move like worms and I just laugh while he does the same...

A/n. Sorry for the wait I've been busy working on other books which I may upload depending on how I feel about them

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