Chapter Twelve

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Lillian had told Chibs about the offer a few days later when they were in bed in the evening. The man had been working to get the new clubhouse set up. He had told Lillian that they were setting up in Scoops, the unused ice cream store. 

Lillian had been with her mother, who showed up at the woman's house. Both Lillian and Lucy sat outside in the backyard around midday. Lucy turned to Lillian, shielding her eyes from her face as she looked at her daughter. 

"Why don't you come down for a week, spend some time with us in Santo Padre," the older woman suggested. 

Lillian sighed, looking down at the cup in her hand, "I don't know. I gotta talk to Filip."

"Talk to him, see what he says. You have my number baby, give me an answer when you get one," Lucy said, "It would be a week. If things get hard or scary here you can stay till it evens out. I heard about the explosion. I'm glad your safe."

Lucy pulled Lily into her arms, hugging the young blonde to her body. Lucy stood up, a smile on her face as the woman kissed her daughter's cheek. 

"I love you, baby," Lucy said before walking to the back door. 

"I love you too momma," Lillian called out. 

She had enjoyed the time she was getting with her mother. The girl hadn't seen her in years, being sent to Nero before her mother was sent away. Lillian had thought, long and hard about the offer her mother had given her. 

With everything that happened, she wanted a get away, but she didn't want to leave Filip. She wondered how the man would feel about it. When the female first brought up the conversation of visiting her mother in Mayan territory, he passed it off. 

Lillian wanted to try the conversation again. Wanting to see her mother, Lillian felt that the man would finally give in to her going for a week. 


Later that evening, Chibs had come home. Walking in through the door, the man felt so tired he wanted to sleep. Going straight to the living room, the man sat down, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. 

Lillian had heard the door opening and shutting. Turning the oven off, and pulling the pan out, she walked out to the living room, seeing the man sitting in his chair. Chibs still had his eyes closed, as Lillian quietly walked back out into the kitchen. She grabbed a beer from the fridge and walked back to her man. 

Going up to the male, whose eyes were still closed, she slipped the beer into the man's hand before sitting on the couches edge. Chibs lifted his head, opening his eyes as he looked at the woman. She could see so much going on in his eyes as he stared at her. 

"Want to talk?" Lillian asked, knowing the man wanted to speak. 

"Uh... Well, there's a lot goin' on, love. Tara... she uh, lost her baby..." Chibs looked down at the bottle, "I'm so afraid. To lose you, to lose the baby."

Lillian furrowed her eyebrows, "Tara lost her baby..." The woman looked down at her hands. She didn't know what to say, or even think. Like that, in a minute everything could be taken from them in that life. 

Chibs stood from his seat, setting the bottle onto the stand by the chair. Walking over to Lillian he sat beside her, pulling the woman into his arms. Chibs rested his head onto her shoulder, hands on her stomach as she leaned back into the man. 

"I don't want to lose you both, I won't," he whispered, head burying into her neck. 

"You won't. We're not going anywhere Filip," Lillian assured the man. 

Her hands went on his, holding them in place on her stomach as they sat silently. Lillian had gotten the pair to eat, not much as they both now had heavy minds with the events going on in SAMCRO. During that night, Lillian and Chibs laid in bed, in each others arms as they both had the same thought. Not wanting to lose the other or the baby. 

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