Chapter Three

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Lillian had woken up the next morning to an empty bed. Filip's kutte on the small armchair near the window. A sad look in her eyes as she stared at the piece of clothing. Finally finding the motivation to get up.

After she got ready, Lillian rushed to her small car that Chibs had gotten her. The man had bought her clothing and a car so she had things again. After being given to him with nothing but the skimpy clothing on her back.

Lillian drove to the TM pulling into the lot and parking her car. Lillian had walked to the office, sitting at the desk. Lillian sighed, looking at the stack she had left yesterday. Lily looked down at the papers, filling the right marks they needed.

That went on for another hour. Lillian writing the paperwork for repo's. As she worked a small knock sounded on the open door. Lillian looked up to see Juice in the doorway.

"Hey Juicy," Lillian greeted.

"Hey Lily. I brought food," Juice lifted the bag of take out. A smile on her face as she could smell the food from the desk. Juice knew from there it was a right move.

The pair ate happily as silence took over. Lillian was swallowing the burger in large bites. She hadn't eaten that morning when she rushed from the house. It was already noon and man she ate fast.

Juice looked up, a smirk on his face as he saw the last bite she took, "Hungry?"

"You wouldn't believe," she laughed.

Bikes sounded in the lot as Lillian leaned over to look out the door. There were a few of the Sons members showing up. Lillian held a sad look in her eyes, worry bubbling up again as she feared for Chibs.

"Something wrong?" he asked looking back to Lillian.

"Filip. I hope he's okay and makes it out," Lillian replied, turning back to her food that she no longer felt the need to eat.


The rest of the day wasn't eventful for Lillian. That was until those bikes, the bright blue colors, nothing like the Son's black bikes. Fear bubbled up in her chest as she looked away. Juice had been standing close to the door entrance to the office. He noticed the change in her look, the smile she once held gone.

He looked from her to the bright blue bikes, they weren't like the black one he had, so he knew they were a different group. The back of the kuttes read 'Merc's' with 'California' on the bottom, A skull with twin Katanas on sticking out from either side of the skull.

Juice walked over to Lillian, grabbing onto her arm; he pulled her close. Lillian looked up at the male, fear plain as day in her eyes.

"That's the Merc's. The club I was with before, I was born into the Merc's," Lillian told the man.

Juice nodded his head, "Let's get you home. I'll follow you to make sure you're fine. Want me to stay till Chibs gets back?"

"Yes... Please," Lillian replied, walking quickly to her car as Juice sprinted to his bike.

When she and Juice finally got to her house, he decided to do a walk through before she went in. When it was all clear Lillian made a bee line for her room. Lillian got changed and laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. Thoughts of those men, how Filip was doing and if he was still alive rang in her head, making it hard to sleep.

The next day she had gone to TM again when bikes pulled up. She walked from the office to see Chibs getting off his bike. A smile crossed her face, but quickly dropped as she saw his downcast eyes. Something was wrong. She knew something was wrong.

Lillian walked to Chibs, he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder. She heard small whimpers leave his mouth. This was starting to worry her so much.

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