Chapter Six

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The night of Gemma's accident, Lillian had been home, laying on the couch waiting for Chibs to get home. She had tried to stay up, but it was deep into the night and she just couldn't stay awake. 

The same time that night, Chibs and Jax had been ran off the road and shot at. When Lillian got a call the next morning, she was up and running to her car. When Lillian had gotten into the hospital she went for the waiting room. 

Most of the guys had been waiting there. Lillian ran straight for Chibs, who just barely caught her as the man noticed the tears in her eyes. 

"Aye, love. Tha boy will be fine," the man assured her. Lillian shook her head, trying to calm her breathing. 

"I know. I was just so worried to heard your call and not see you. I thought something bad happened to you and Jax," Lillian told Chibs. 

Tig chuckled, "It's hard getting rid of that Scotsman, we've tried before." 

Chibs looked beside him, a glare on his face as he turned his attention back to the woman. Standing, Chibs grabbed Lillian's hand and held her close. 

"No need to worry," he whispered into her ear. Lillian nodded her head, leaning into the man as they stood silently for a moment. 

"Ok-okay... As long as you boys are fine," Lillian nodded. 

"We are. Come sit, love," Chibs said, pulling the woman into the chair beside him. 

They sat like this or another until the elevator door dinged. Lillian looked up to see Happy, Juice, Chucky, and Phil walking towards the men. Bobby and Tig had both stood to their feet, Chibs stood up last, holding his hand out to Lillian who was back on her feet and moving around nervously. 

"Alright, Abel's heartbeat went irregular. They got to do a thing to reverse it," explained Bobby. 

Lillian started to zone out, worry talking over as she hadn't heard the rest of the men's conversation. Chibs looked over as Hap was staring at Lillian. The stoic male's expression went a little slack as some emotion kicked in. 

Chibs turned to his right, seeing Lillian bent over holding a hand to her mouth. 

"Heya, what's wrong?" the older male asked, a hand on her back. 

Lillian looked up when she felt the contact, "Yea... Yeah. I'm fine. I'm going to head home, be safe okay."

Lillian stood up straight, leaning close and kissing his cheek. Chibs nodded, watching her turn around and wave to all the boys. Bobby looked over to the Scotsman, noticing the worried look as he watched the man's Old lady leave. 

"Maybe you shouldn't leave her. She looked a little green," the shorter man called out. 

"Aye, but we got work to do, brother," Chibs replied, walking away to where Jax was. 

When Lillian had gotten home, thought the news about the accident and not sleeping right had caused her to feel sick. It had come on strong when she walked through the doors. 

The woman was alone for hours, not knowing when her Old man was getting back. She didn't know much either. All she knew was he had work. 

Lillian was still alone, not knowing where the man was. She sat at the kitchen table, a glass of water in front of her as another sick feeling hit her. Lillian jumped from her seat and ran to the bathroom. 

When Chibs finally made it home, in the morning, he saw Lillian sat at the table. But she was leaning down, head rested in her arms as she slept. The man walked closer, swaying on his feet.

Chibs leaned over, kissing the woman head before turning around and making it to the stairs, he had gone up into their room to change. He thought about how he was going to die. He was worried, when Frankie held the gun to his head that Chibs would never see the woman again. She had been his last thought before being knocked out by Frankie. 

Gifted (Chibs Telford x OC)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя