Chapter Eleven

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Chibs had made Lillian stay at the TM office. He didn't want the female leaving his sight. Lillian agreed to wait for him. Sitting in at the desk chair, she held her hands to her stomach. Now wasn't the best time to tell Chibs after seeing the clubhouse explode. But she knew she needed to tell him. 

The woman had been lost in thought when Chibs walked in, his face blank as he looked down at the woman. Kneeling, he reached out for her hands. 

"Let's go, I'll drive the car so we can change," Chibs told the woman. Lillian nodded her head, getting up from the chair. The two of them walked to the small car, getting into the passengers side, Chibs got into the driver's seat. 

The drive home was silent for the pair. Lillian leaned on the window as Chibs drove, she had nothing to say. Once home, Lillian rushed to the down stairs bathroom. Chibs rushed after the woman, walking into the bathroom and seeing the woman bent over, a horrible noise coming from her. 

"You alright, love?" the man asked, holding her hair out of her way. 

"I uh... Well you see..." Lillian trailed trying to find the right words. 

"What is it?" Chibs pushed again. 

"Positive. The test came out positive," Lillian answered. 

Chibs sighed looking down, "Test..." he thought for a moment before the realization dawned on him. His face lighting up, a smile spreading, "Wait... No way."

"Yeah. I was just as surprised," Lillian told the man.

"Okay. I got something's going on today, love. Stay here and call if you really need me," Chibs kissed Lillian on the head before making his way out of the house. 

Lillian watched the man leave before walking to the kitchen. She grabbed onto a cup, pouring water from the tap as she leaned against the counter. The woman had been silent, staring at the floor. 

A knock on the door had gotten the woman's attention as she set the cup down. Walking to the front door, she looked out the peephole, catching sight of the familiar blonde hair like hers. Mother. 

Lillian pulled open the door, a small smile on her face as she ran into the older woman's arms. Lillian's mother, Lucy, hugged her daughter back. Happy to see the woman again after so long. Lucy had been thrown to the Mayans by the Merc's just like Lillian was to the sons. 

"What are you doing here mother?" Lillian asked, looking at the woman.

Lucy sighed, walking into the house as her daughter closed the door. The pair walked into the kitchen where a small table sat. Sitting down at the table, Lillian waited for Lucy's reply. 

"Well, I was sent to the Mayans while you had been with Nero. My Old man and I had been in North Cali for a few days working out his plans for Santo Padre charter. I told him I wanted to see you," her mother family replied, a smile on her face as the older woman reached her hand out. 

Lillian smile as she held onto her mothers hand. For a moment they were silent before talking. Lillian told her mother about how she was given to the VP of the Sons, her life here and how she was going to be a grandmother. 

The older woman was happy, she was proud that her daughter was an Old lady.

"Darlin', I'm so happy that you have made a life for yourself, even if that awful man gave you away," Lucy told the girl, her left hand patting Lillian's. 

"Why don't you stay mom," Lillian suggested a pleading look on her face. 

"I can't honey. Bish will be here soon-" just as she had started talking a knock on the door sounded. 

Both women got up, walking to the door to see an older man in the doorway. He looked close to Chibs age, the greys showing just like her Old man. Lillian smiled to the male, nodding her head as well as the man did the same. 

"Hello, you must be Lillian. You're mom loves to talk about you," the male said a smile on his face. 

"You can call me Lily. I am. Nice to meet you..." Lillian trailed trying to catch his name. 

"Bishop. Or Bish. You're family, your mother is apart of our family so are you," the man smile. 

"Even if I'm with the Sons?" Lillian asked in surprise. 

"Yes. We got a peace that happened for a while. We're right with the Sons. You're mother and I live in Santo Padre, so anytime you want to visit or even somewhere to go. Our clubhouse is open to you," Bish had offered. 

Lillian smiled, a nod in thanks as she wished both her mother and Bishop a goodbye. The older woman told the girl that they'd be here for a while. Lillian was happy to be able to see her mother often now. 


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