☁️ 𝐓𝐞𝐧 ☁️

Depuis le début

"All of the tests have been graded!" Mr. Kim suddenly says, snapping me out of my thoughts.

He makes his way around the room, and Y/N sits up and grabs my hand out of nowhere and squeezes it, probably because she's anxious. The unexpected act makes me blush and my heart start pounding uncontrollably.

At last, he comes up to our desks and her grip gets tighter. I'm so nervous that it doesn't even faze me. He hands Y/N her test with a proud smile— but then gives mine to me folded in half, a small frown on his face.

What?! But I thought I did good!

Panicked, I grab it and frantically unfold it— but then I'm happy when I see the big '88' at the top of the page. Mr. Kim smirks mischievously at me and walks back to his desk while Y/N is just sitting there looking confused.

Then, the bell rings and everyone leaves for the weekend. Once the room is empty, I get everything needed to clean up the room. Ugh, I guess they spent those last 15 minutes junking up the place.

"Excuse Mr. Kim?" I hear Y/N ask, "is it okay if I leave? The time for cheer practice got changed for today."

"Of course Ms. Ricci! Have a good time!"

"Thanks!" She gets her things and prepares to walk out, but then she turns and walks up to me.

"So? What did you get? I saw how Mr. Kim looked at you," she asks.

"He was just messing with me. I got a really good grade, a B!" I reply.

"Really? That's good! I'm proud of you!" she replies, wrapping her smaller arms around me into a hug. My body reacts just like it did when she held my hand. Get a grip, Jongin! You shouldn't be like this!

Then she leaves, and I'm left cleaning up the mess. I finally finish and Mr. Kim and I walk out of the room, with me ready to get everything from my locker, go home, and unwind after the week. But then I see you-know-who standing in front of it, glaring right at me.

"You're not attacking from the back this time eh? Well come on, I'm ready!" I say, a sudden wave of bravado coming over me. Sehun lunges at me, but I dodge the attack and snatch his water bottle out of his hand. With him standing there, caught off guard, I spray him with it and he yelps in surprise.


I try to escape, taking off down the hall, but he's just too fast. He grabs me and pins me too the wall. Sehun stares at me furiously, soaking wet and red eyes glowing. Uh oh...

Instead of shouting like I expected, he leans in very close to my ear, and says through gritted teeth, "you went to her house yesterday. How many times do I have to warn you?"

I wriggle out of his hands. "How the hell do you even know that?!"

"News travels fast in this school, and I also know about how you swooped in and saved the little damsel in distress from my teammates. Heh, Beauty and the Beast."

"I knew it, so you were the reason why your football players tried to attack her! What is wrong with you?!"

"That is none of your business. Now stop trying to get off topic; stay away from her or else—"

"Sehunnie! Jonginnie! I didn't know you two knew each other!"

Hearing the familiar voice, we both turn to see Y/N, wearing a sports bra and shorts approaching us. Oh, how her outfit perfectly accentuates her beautiful body. If only one day I could wrap my hands around those luscious curves and— Jongin, no. Stop that. I tear my eyes away, my gaze landing on Sehun and he's gawking at her, eyes wide. Disgusting!

"Hello Y/N!" Sehun greets, suddenly switching up his mood, "and yes, me and Jongin know each other very well, in fact, we've been friends for a long time!" And as a sign of our "friendship" he wraps his arm around my shoulder. Ew, don't touch me.

"I'm so happy to hear that! Hehe, I guess it really is a small world," she says, wrapping us in a warm hug that makes us both equally uncomfortable. "Well, I have to get back to practice. It was nice bumping into you two!"

"Alright then, bye Y/N!" Sehun says. "And I must say, you look stunning in that outfit."

"Thanks Sehun!" she responds, his pervertedness clearly flying over head. Then she walks back to practice. When she's finally far away enough:

"You're such a perv," I say.

"Oh please, shall I bring up your past, playboy?"

"Unlike you, I'm a changed man."

"Whatever, just stay away from what's mine, or else bad things will happen."

Without another word, I just roll my eyes and storm back to my locker, get my things out, and leave, happy to finally get out of there.

I have to protect her. I failed last time, but now I'm determined. Who knows what his intentions with her are.


Ohh sh!t's getting reeeeal 😮 but there's even more to come! Have a good day or night!
Question: Favorite store to shop? 🛍

❣️ 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 | 𝐤.𝐣𝐢 ❣️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant