The gang member in the room with DR keeps talking, "Now, who do you think he murder? What makes this one so special?"

DR laughs to himself, "Because I am getting paid and getting rid of scum like you."

The man, fed up with the pompous-ass-attitude, delivers a swift and hard punch straight to DR's face. He has become so emotionally numb that he doesn't quite feel physical pain anymore. He starts laughing again as the tatted man storms out of the room. 

Nothing can fucking break me, DR thinks to himself. 

After a little while, a new gang member walks into the bedroom. He says nothing as he unchains DR from the wall and drags him to a bathroom with only one very small window that he would never get through. The whole time DR teases the man, saying how kink this is and asking if he would like to join him in the bathroom. The man just shoves DR into the bathroom and locks the door from the outside. 

DR does his business in the bathroom: goes to the bathroom, throws up a little bit, splashes water around his body. He knocks on the door to let the man know he was done. DR moves fast enough before opening the door to hid. 

The man opens the door to see nothing. He was still in the room, so he keeps his guard up. Once fully in the room, DR attacks the man. 

Well, he tried too.

After a whole month of constant smoking, drink, and very little eating, he was weak. He tried to hit the man over the head with the hard end of a plunger, but he caught it easily. The gang member, who was far buffer than the skinny DR, quickly attacks, bringing him down to the floor. He pinned his chest down with one arm, using the other to choke him out. DR try to push, scream, and kick, but it was all pointless. He grew so weak over time that he can't protect himself. 

I should always have a gun on me, he thinks to himself as his oxygen intake quickly decreases and he blacks out. 

Once seeing the man passed out of the bathroom floor, Dominic (the gang member that choked DR out) threw him over his shoulder to take to the boss of the house. 

DeLuca was in the living room, waiting for DR to finish in the bathroom. He wasn't prepared for one of his men to bring the man, passed out, and chuck him onto the floor in front of him. 

"What the fuck is this?" He screamed at Dominic. "I want him alive."

"He's not dead, sir. He tried to attack me in the bathroom, so I took care of the situation."

DeLuca took the opportunity to see his chest rising and falling. 

He knew what this man will do if he decides he killed William Marshall. All of the evidence points towards him. He had motive, opportunity, and means. However, it isn't the same as the police checking him. This man will take the law into his own hands and kill him. 

He isn't dying for some pathetic shit like this. 

Is it even worth going after the ones he loves? 

At this point, it doesn't. The company he works for chooses its men and women carefully, making sure that they have no ties to family or loved one. DeLuca doesn't even know what this man is called to The Company. 

DeLuca clearly wasn't as stubborn and persistent as his uncle. However, he was clever and smart. It was the only thing that has made him stay hidden for so long. 

DeLuca was also a traitor. He may have promised someone one thing, but promises mean nothing to him. 

"Dominic, Davey" he yells to the only other men in the house, "I have a new plan on what to do with him. Get the car ready." He looks down at the man a realizes that he is slowly coming too. "Also bring the chloroform."


DR started to come through a few hours after he chloroformed. He woke up in his own car in an unfamiliar location. To his right and to his left was just desert, and for what seemed like miles. Mountains stretched across the horizon and the car was parks on the side of a dirt road. 

After looking at the location on his phone, it turns out that he is in Nevada, north of Reno. He hung his head back and let out a long string a curses. 

He was livid. 

DR used to be at the top of his game. He would solve murders within a week. 

William Marshall's is starting to drive him crazy. 

There are such clear suspects, but nothing tangible to pin them down, except for the mother. 

Penelope Marshall has no alibi as well as the maid in the house, but she didn't have any clear motive. She is also too close to his family. If someone from the family makes the connection of him investigating the Marshall murder, he will be in big trouble with his family and The Company. His whole cover will be blown and his enemies could go after him and his family. 

Ross DeLuca has everything, except no evidence or a confession to say that he actual did it. 

He feels like he is going crazy. 

He decides to call his boss to tell him how he was kidnapped and now in the middle of nowhere Nevada. He feels around in his coat for his phone. Thankfully that is still there. He reaches him, but feels something else in the pocket. 

It was a piece of paper...

...which wasn't there before. 

He pulls out the medium size piece of line paper. Scratched across it was messy handwriting, but still legible. 

Let me start of this note saying, I did not murder William Marshall, but I do know who did. I am not loyal to anyone, especially not you. But I don't want to go down like this. I don't know who murdered William Marshall, but I do know the person that paid me to take the fall for it. At first, I was going to do it and then constantly be on the run from you until you drove yourself mad. 

Then I got sick of running. I had a fun time watching you suffer as you tried everything to find me, but I was tired of hiding, so I decide to kidnap you and find out more about you to hurt the ones you love. 

Let's just say, I am not a patient man. So, I am deciding to save my own skin. 

But this person is still family. They are important to me, so I'm not going to give up the name (I want to watch you suffer). But here is something to help you:

They worked for William Marshall

They are a part of my family

They are Portuguese

Good Luck hunting!

Ross DeLuca

After reading through the note over and over again in the hot car, he felt like he was going to pass out again. He would usually never trust a gang member such as him, but his quest to find a murder was the only thing on his mind.

He pulled out his phone to call his boss, telling him the new lead he gather. He requested for all the workers under the Marshall employment to be pulled and to send all the information of Ross DeLuca The Company has. 

After hanging up, he turns on the car and speeds away to Reno. 

He finally has some work to do, and hopefully not follow a red herring again. 

The Girl He Had To Marry- An Arranged Marriage Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें