"I feel bad tearing the paper off," you admitted, smiling at Elena,  she laughed.

"It's fine, if you won't, Damon will," she said, looking over at her boyfriend, who smirked at her. You tore into the gift, and then opened the box you found inside. Inside the box, was a brand new hoodie you had been wanting for a while.

"You remembered!" You exclaimed, looking over at her.

"I did," she said, watching as you sat it beside you. You thanked her for her gift before going to Stefan's. The box was rather large and was poorly wrapped, but you appreciated the attempt. 

You opened it and found your favorite movie on dvd resting on top. Then there was a layer of red paper. On the next layer were gift cards for your favorite places. After a layer of green paper, there was a framed picture of you and him at your first dance together. You smiled and removed the last piece of red paper, and looked at what was inside. It seemed to be a ring box, you opened it to look at the ring he got you, but raised an eyebrow when it was empty.

You turned to ask him, but you actually stopped breathing for a moment. Stefan was down on one knee, holding a beautiful diamond ring.

"Y/n, I know we haven't been dating for too long, and it may seem like I'm rushing but I want to spend the rest of eternity with you. I want to wake up with you beside me, every morning, in our beauitful lake house that we always talk about wanting. But we can't do that, unless you marry me. So y/n l/n, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" He asked, his eyes full of hope. Your eyes were filled with happy tears as you looked at him.

"Yes," you managed to say, holding out your hand. He slipped the ring on, before kissing you. You heard Damon and Elena clapping. You and Stefan ignored them, and had a moment.

"I love you so much," Stefan said, his forehead resting up against yours.

"I love you more," you said.

"Ew, don't start," Damon said, resulting in Elena smacking him, "Ow! What? Next thing you know they're gonna be over there fucking!"

You laughed at his joke and you all talked for a while, before receiving a text from Caroline. You were supposed to be at her house in 2 hours.

Elena and Damon were put in charge of bringing the sweet potatoes, and you and Stefan were in charge of desert.

You all went to the kitchen and began cooking. Stefan and you decided on making a cake. Finally, you were done, and so were Damon and Elena. You left the stuff on the counter and went to go get ready for dinner at Caroline's.

You and Stefan wore matching red sweaters and jeans. Elena and Damon did the same but with green. Damon, of course, didn't want to wear that, but Elena convinced him.

You pulled up to the house and got out, Stefan was carrying the cake. You knocked on the door and Caroline opened it.

"Merry Christmas!" She yelled, quickly putting a pair of red reindeer antlers on each of you. Damon groaned, as Caroline let you come in. Sheriff Forbes, Matt, Tyler, Bonnie, and Alaric were all inside. Everybody said hello, while Stefan took the cake to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, everybody was on the couch talking. You were beside Stefan, who had Damon and Elena beside him. You were talking to Caroline and Bonnie. You had forgotten to mention your engagement.

"Oh my god, y/n! What is that?!" Bonnie exclaimed, causing everybody to look over at you. You gave her a confused look, before she picked up your hand and examined the ring.

"Oh, um, me and Stefan are engaged," you said.

"Seriously!?" Caroline asked, full of excitement.

"Yeah, he proposed this morning," you said, causing Caroline to get even more excited.

"Oh god, there's so much we need to do, we need to pick out a dress and flowers and-," the rest was mumbles as Bonnie had put a hand over her mouth in an attempt to calm her down. After Bonnie made Caroline promise she would calm down, she removed her hand.

"We're so happy for you y/n," Bonnie said, smiling at you. You smiled back, as Tyler entered the room, annoucing that he was done cutting the turkey and everybody could sit down to eat. Everybody sat at the table and talked, while eating dinner. 

It took a while, but eventually everybody had finished and it was time to go home.

"Bye y/n, congratulations," Caroline said, giving you a tight hug.

"Bye bye Caroline," you replied, you went back out to the car and got in. Damon and Elena were having their own conversation, while you and Stefan talked about whether chocolate or vanilla cake was better.

Finally, you arrived at the house and went inside. It was rather late, so you all went to your own rooms. You and Stefan went upstairs, and got changed into your pajamas. You cuddled up to Stefan as he turned a Christmas movie on.

You watched the movie and then talked to Stefan when it was over.

"Did you have a good time today?" He asked, after pressing a kiss to your neck.

"Yeah," you replied, trying not to fall asleep.

"Merry Christmas baby, I love you," he said, kissing your cheek, before attempting to sleep.

"I love you too," you said, drifting off to sleep, and before you fell asleep you managed to whisper, "Merry Christmas."


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