Finally the dwarves were able to close the door and latch it shut, preventing the bear from entering. "What ... is that?" Thorin questioned, looking up at Gandalf with a questioning look.

"That is our host." Gandalf spoke. "His name is Beorn. And he's a skin changer." Gandalf explained. "Sometimes he's a huge black bear. Sometimes he's a strong man."

"The bear is unpredictable ... but the man can be reasoned with." I add on, looking around the house with interest. "However ... he is not overfond of dwarves." I say, looking back at Thorin.

He was about to open his mouth to say something before Ori spoke, the sound of scuffling moving away from the door, "He's leaving."

Dori immediately grabbed a hold of Ori's shirt as he dragged him away from the door, "Come away from there! It's not natural, none of it!" He spoke in fear, "It's obvious, he's under some ... dark spell." He spoke as he looked up at Gandalf.

I narrowed my eyes in Dori's way, about to say something till Gandalf stepped in, "Don't be a fool. He is under no enchantment but his own." He then looked over at the rest of us before gesturing to the hay, "All right, now get some sleep. All of you. You'll be safe here tonight." Everyone started moving around, trying to find a spot to lay down on. "I hope." I hear Gandalf whisper under his breath.

I walk across the hay, looking for a good spot to lay down on, becoming confused as most of the spots were taken up. "Saharia!" I hear a hushed whisper, I look over seeing Fili and Kili beckoning me over. I walked over to the two of them, watching as they scooted away from one another before Fili patted on the spot. "Come lay with us." Kili spoke with a smile.

I laid down beside them, before Kili asked, "Did you finish our drawings?"

I nodded, "I finished them a long time ago ... you wanna see?"

"Yeah!" Fili answered, I smiled brightly as I sat up, pulling my book out of my bag before flipping to their page. Fili and Kili sat up as well, looking over my shoulder as they looked down at the drawings. "These are fantastic." Kili complemented, looking at his own before looking over at his brothers.

"You think so?" I ask with a bright smile.

"Yeah, even the descriptions are spot on." Fili complemented with a warm smile. "How did you get our birthdays?" He asked, glancing over at Kili before looking up at me.

"I just asked Thorin." I answer with a soft smile.

"If you three don't go to sleep I'm gonna whack ya." I hear Dwalin grumble, causing the three of us to wince lightly.

"Maybe we should get some sleep." I say with a nervous smile, Fili and Kili nodded in agreement. I slip the book into my bag, before laying down on my side, using my arm as a pillow. Fili laid down with his back to mine while Kili laid down with his back turned towards me. I closed my eyes, falling into an uneasy slumber.

Fili's POV

I rest my head peacefully, thinking about the drawing Saharia created of me, she didn't miss anything, not a single detail. She even got my own personality and likings right, the only thing she asked was my birthday.

I smiled softly as I closed my eyes, but opened them as I heard small mumbles and whines from behind me. I sat up slightly, looking over to see Saharia trembling, mumbling something in her sleep, she pulled her knees closer to her chest.

I looked across to see Kili was still sleeping soundly, I carefully turned myself around, draping my arm over her waist as I laid my head behind her own, her wonderful scent washing over my nose, calming me instantly. I smiled as I let out a soft sigh, looking to see Saharia calmed down, a small smile forming along her face.

Unknown to me, someone was glaring right in my direction, jealousy gleaming in their eyes. 

Saharia's POV

I blinked open my eyes as I heard a door open and close, watching as large bumble bees fly around. One landing on my shoulder for a moment before flying away once I moved slightly. I let out a yawn, before noticing there was something across my mid-section, I looked over seeing an arm, turning around to see Fili, sleeping peacefully.

I smiled softly, pushing his arm off gently before standing up, stepping over the sleeping dwarves carefully as I adjusted my bag. I was wondering how my nightmare ended so abruptly, now I know why. I think this is one of the first times where I got a decent sleep, I would have to thank him later.

I was too lost in thought, that I hit someone's foot, I looked over seeing Thorin blinking open his eyes, looking up at me with a confused expression. "Sorry." I whispered to him, watching as he sat up. "It's fine, I was about to get up anyway." He spoke groggily, pushing himself up off the ground.

I hear something similar to wood being split, snapping my attention towards the door. I began to move forward but was stopped by Thorin, as he took the lead, keeping himself between me and the door.

I looked out the window, seeing a large man with black hair and beard that had a hint of grey in it. His light skin almost seemed to be decorated in a bit of dirt, his arm raised as he slammed the axe down, splitting the wood in half. I smiled brightly, immediately recognizing the figure. 

I walked over to the door, grabbing a hold of the latch, however I was stopped when Thorin grabbed my wrist, I looked over at him with a confused expression. "Let me go out there with you." He spoke, his blue eyes glistening with concern for a moment.

I smile at him softly, "You can relax Thorin, I am your peace keeper after all. This is my part." I tell him with a knowing smile, "Besides, it's best if he sees me first before seeing the rest of the company." Thorin let out a sigh, knowing I was right as he allowed his hand to drop down to his side, allowing me to open the door before closing it silently behind me.

I walk up to the large man, walking across the garden towards him. He placed a piece of wood onto the stumb, raising his axe, ready to cut the wood in half. I cleared my throat, causing him to freeze before turning around to look at me, his eyes widening.

"Hello Beorn." I say with a warm smile as I look into the man's light brown eyes.

He smiled warmly as well, "Hello Saharia." 

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