Chapter 8

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Charlis POV

Avani and I were watching a movie last night. We kept stealing glances at eachother. I told her stop but she didn't. I asked her why she kept looking at me and she said "because you are beautiful". One thing to another we were making out on the bed. Not complaining tho. I woke up tangled in limbs of the beautiful girl beside me. I slowly and gently get out of bed but once my foot hit the floor I was pulled back into bed.

"No" avani muffled into my neck. I smile at the action.

"Bebe we have to get up and go back to the hype house" I said.

"But I like it here so much better" she said lifting her head.

"I know bubba but we'll come back here again soon" I said kissing her forehead and getting up. She smiles and lays back down watching me. I walk into the bathroom and do my morning routine. While brushing my teeth I hear the door open and see avani turning on the shower. I get nervous and brush my teeth a little faster trying to rush out before any article of clothing slips off. I see her put her hair up in to a bun and her hands grab the hem of her shirt. I quickly wash my face and walk out face hot and red.I hear avani laugh at me. I walk down stairs to see a blushing Addison on her phone.


"Morning Addison" I say walking past to cook some breakfast.

"Good morning char,how was you're sleep?" She asks.

"It was ok, how about you?"

"The best i slept ever" she says in a dreamy state.

"What? Because of my sister" I said smiling.

I hear no response so I look behind me to see a blushing Addison behind me. I giggle and continue to cook. I hear someone come down stairs.

"Hey char" I turn around and wave at my sister. "H-hey um Addison" she stutters.

"Hi" Addison replies shyly. I look back at them and see them staring at eachother blushing a fidgeting nervously.

"What happened" I say. They look away from eachother.

"N-nothing happen char why would you say that." Dixie stuttered.

"Yea, were cool, were friends, nothing happened" Addison laughs nervously and walks off. Dixie follows.

Something definitely happened and I'm gonna figure out.

Addisons POV

I walked away from the kitchen quickly and went outside.

You kissed her... your lips meet hers... her lips were so soft and I wanna kiss her ag- No she was caught up in the moment Addison she wouldn't like you. She's straight.

What happened this morning was crazy. I thought it was a beautiful nightmare but no, it was reality.


I woke up to a beautiful Dixie in my arms. Seeing her relaxed features made me fall for her more. Like, how could you not fall for cute freckles on her face. And her cute nose and beautiful eyes. She seems so peaceful. Her breathing was steady, her arms were wrapped loosely around my body, and our legs were tangled together. I know I was staring at her for a good 30 minutes before her eyes opened. I try to close my eyes but it was to late.

"I saw you staring Addison... again" I could hear the smirk on her face. Her voice was raspy and low and i couldn't help but smile and open my eyes.

"I'm sorry" I said.

"Why are you sorry?" She asked

"I don't know I just say sorry to everything" I answer truthfully. She giggles.

"You're adorable." I see her eyes get wider. I start to blush and look was her turn to apologize.

"I'm sorry" she says. I look up in her eyes.

"It's ok dix... i think you're beautiful" I don't know where this new found confidence came from but it was strong. I grabbed her face and looked into her eyes. I moved slowly in waiting for her to push me away or reject me. But she doesn't. Our lips were so close to touching. I could tell she was getting impatient so I closed the gap between us. Our lips moved in sync as she grabs my cheek and runs her thumb over it softly. I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching but I just shrugged it off and enjoy the moment.The kiss lasted about 30 seconds before we pulled away for air. I open my eyes to see Dixie already staring back at me.

"I-I'm sorry" i said getting up and going to the kitchen.

End of flashback

I was knocked out of my thoughts when the door behind me opens. It's Dixie of course. She comes and sits beside me on the grass.

"Hey" she says softly.

"Hey" I replied not looking at her.

It was silent for a while before she spoke up.

"Sooo... this morning?"

"What about this morning?" I ask playing dumb.

"The um... you know.." I look at her with a confused look.

"The kiss Addi.." she finally says.

"Ooooh" i said quietly.


"What about it?" I ask.

"Why did you do it?" She ask.

I can't tell her the real reason. That will fuck up our friendship.

"I was caught up in the moment I didn't mean to." I say looking at her. I see the shine in her eyes dull a little.

"Oh...right" she says getting up.

"Wait, where you going?" I ask looking at her.

"I'm going on a drive" she says not looking back.

I watch her go inside. I sigh and lay down and look up at the sky.i start to argue with myself.

You should've told her.. maybe she felt the same and you fucked it up.. or maybe i did the right thing...What now?

I close my eyes and drown into my thoughts.

No ones POV

I stop the recording and call my friend up. It rings for a while before he picks up.

"Did you get anything?" He asks.

"Oh do I have something for you" I say smiling.

A/n 🧿👄🧿

Alone together Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora