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Video- when Seth tells them they are common law married now.

Carrie's phone went off, it was her mom. "Why would she be calling at 4 am" she thought.

Carrie: hello

Mom: (scared) Carrie omg you answered

Carrie: what wrong???

Brad then woke up and asked Carrie whats wrong. She put her hand in front asking him to be quiet.

Mom: Its your dad he's not breathing. We are at the hospital with your sisters too

Carrie: What!!! Is he ok???

Mom: I don't know, he has been in the emergency room for about 20 min.

Carrie: (crying) I'm on my way!!

Brad hugged Carrie and asked whats wrong but she wouldn't say anything, she was in shock.

Carrie: it's my dad he's at the emergency room. He's not breathing.

Brad: (shocked) what!!! Don't worry Carrie everything will be ok

Carrie: i hope so

She leaned towards him and rested her head on his leg. He began to play with her hair which made her sleepy. But she remembered that her dad was in the hospital so she got up and said," I'm going to the hospital."

Brad: you sure?

Carrie: of course i am

Brad: well then I'm going with you

She smiled at him. They went into the shower but only lasted 10 minutes because they were on a hurry.

Carrie: what do we do about the kids

Brad: ummm oh we can ask Blake and Miranda if they can stay there for a couple of days. Plus they love being over and Miranda loves them.

Carrie: perfect!!

Brad called Blake and told him the situation. He gladly said yes to letting the kids stay over and told Brad to tell Carrie that they were sorry about her dad.

Brad got ready before Carrie like usual. He ran towards the kids room and woke them up mean while Carrie was packing clothes for them. He told them what had happened. Brad then picked out clothes for them to pack and then helped them change. They ran downstairs to eat some cereal. Carrie then walked downstairs and fed Ace and Penny.

Huck: Carrie I'm sorry about your dad. I hope he gets better

Carrie: (little tears) aww thank you baby she went towards him and and kissed him in his forehead. They soon got done eating and ran towards the truck with there bags. Brad ran upstairs to grab the suitcase. They all got in the truck and checked if they had their passports, her purse, his wallet, etc. They then drove off to Blake's. Brad rested his hand on Carrie's thigh she smiled and said i love you. They finally arrived, Miranda was outside waiting. She walked towards them and told Carrie she was sorry for her dad. Brad and Carrie said by to the kids and drove off to the airport...

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