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Carrie arrived at Brads, he was outside with Huck and Jasper playing. The kids saw Carrie arrive and screamed her name with happiness.

Carrie: Hey guys you wanna help me with my bags?

Huck and Jasper: sure

Brad: hey gorgeous

Brad gave her a kiss and helped her with her stuff. She let the dogs free inside the house. The boys immediately started to play with them.

Brad: they love your dogs

Carrie: i know its so perfect.

Brad: have you ate yet?

Carrie : no

Brad: we haven't either you wanna go to Dennys. My treat

Carrie: yes i can really use some food right now.

Brad told the boys to get in the truck and they did. Then Brad opened the door for Carrie which she loved it when he did that. On the way to to Dennys Carrie connected her phone to the stereo, she played Remind Me. They began to sing including Huck and Jasper. Brad grabbed Carrie's hand she smiled and began to get tears because of her hormones due to the fact that she is pregnant. They finally arrived and immediately when they went in, everybody new who they were but since its Nashville its common to see an artist everywhere. They sat in the corner booth Brad and Carrie sat right next to eachother. When they were close to finishing their food fans got in line for a picture with them. Even Brad took selfies with Carrie and the kids, then he posted them on Twitter and Instagram. Carrie did the exact same thing. Immediately fans knew that they were not just best friends. They finally left dennys to head back home. Brad phone began to ring it was Robert Deaton the CMA Awards producer. He put it on speaker

Robert: Hello???

Brad: hey Robert

Robert: Hey Brad guess what ?? The committee is asking You Carrie to come back to host again.

Brad: wow thats great. Carrie is here with me.

Carrie: hey Robert. I also accept to host again.

Robert: thanks guys.. I call you back in a couple of days to meet up. Thanks and bye!!

Brad and Carrie were both very excited to host again.., it was their favorite time of year because they were going to be seeing eachother more often even though now their living together. On the way back home Carrie started to feel weird, her stomach was hurting and she felt suck.

Brad: you ok?? How hve you been feeling lately with the whole pregnancy thing.

Carrie: I haven't felt that only when i get stressed out to much.

Brad: we should make you an appointment asap.

Carrie: yea i should, I'll call the doctor when we get home

Brad then reached over to grab Carrie's hand. She loved it when he did that. They get home and Huck and Jasper run to find Ace and Penny meanwhile Carrie and Brad sit down on the couch. They call the doctor to set an appointment tomorrow morning.

Brad: so what should we do today??

Carrie: mmhhm I don't know. Lets watch a movie together with the kids

Brad: sounds great I'll put "Halloween" on

Carrie: I'll grab the popcorn and the juice packs.

The kids grabbed a couple of blankets and stacked them up together and then added their pillows to lay down. Brad sat at the corner of the sofa and Carrie had sat down between Brad's legs and had her back laying on top of her chest. He put his arms around her on top of her stomach trying trying to feel the baby. She then put her hands on top of his and looked up at him and said, " I love you Mr. Paisley so much."

Brad: You don't even know how much I love you. I'm gonna be here for your pregnancy and that baby even though its not mine.

He then kissed her on her forehead. She took a selfie of her and Brad cuddled up and immediately posted it on Twitter and Instagram. She added a caption to it, " thanks for always being there for me. I love you so much" she added a heart and winky face emoji....

* Hey guys thanks for reading. Please give me some ideas on what i should write about.

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