"It's just that...the things you do scares me sometimes." Logan ran his fingers over his hair. "Look, I know we have to do what we have to do. But at least give me just a minute to wallow over it first, okay? If I don't, I think I'll go insane."

"Alright. I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. You're trying to keep us alive. I meant what I said when I told you I trust you one-hundred percent. You got a plan, and I'm in. But I'm worried that this thing with the soldiers is gonna bite us back."

"Beggars can't be choosers. Peter is the only one who knows us well. The rest barely got a good look on our faces except for Payne. They're the only two soldiers we have to watch out for once we're inside. Let's be thankful that Albany is still a large city and pretty crowded, plenty of places to hunker down while we look for Major Clemons."

"Are you going to talk to Gabe?" Logan asked.

I nodded.

"Then, I hate to be in his shoes."

I scoffed as I walked toward the stairs. "I'm not that bad. I'm just asking him a few questions."

"You questioning someone usually ends up with them getting hurt."

"Shut up and just stand next to me while I talk to him."

Logan raised his eyebrows. "You gonna use me as a prop? Good cop, bad cop kind of play?"

"No. I didn't think that, you ass. I don't want it to be too intimidating for him, okay?"

"Sure, sure," Logan muttered, and I reckoned he didn't believe what I said.

Gabe was in the first bedroom up the second floor. Luke was already there, waiting by the door. He stood aside as I reached the door, wanting me to be the first person in. I opened the door and found Gabe trying to open the window facing the front yard. The porch's roof was directly below it, and I surmised he thought of using it and then rappel down the porch columns.

"That window's busted. We found that out when we tried to give you some fresh air," I said.

He jumped from the sound of my voice and quickly ran toward the corner, hiding behind the dresser. "I didn't mean to do it!"

Gabe's swift dash to the corner surprised me, and I couldn't say a word, my mouth hanging open, bewildered. Gabe acted like the rabbit that had seen the fox. I turned to Luke and Logan, but they merely gave me a shrug and bemused smile.

"I'm not going to do anything to you, Gabe," I said, raising my hands. Gabe slowly stood up, still cautious. "I'm just here to talk, maybe get some explanation? I admit we are pissed at you right now, but I'm not going to do anything drastic. Promise."

"Look, I tried to convince Tessa to let you all know," he said, "but she thought you all wouldn't agree."

"Well, she was right about that."

"And that's why we decided as a family not to tell you, thinking it's what was best for us."

"But Steve didn't get in."

Gabe looked down and nodded.

"Where's Tessa now?"

"She's in the Quarantine Center. They had a bunch of army tents in this huge field..."

I pulled out the city map from my pockets and started moving toward him. Gabe reeled back warily, but I let him know I wasn't going to throw a punch. He relaxed.

"Show it to me."

Gabe studied the map for a few seconds, and then he pointed at the bottom right corner.

Carrion (The Bren Watts Diaries #1)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα