The Hidden Criminal

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Milan had just started working as a police officer for 3 months so she was deemed the least experienced officer even though she had solved all of the cases given to her.

"Those people really underestimate me. I have to think of a way to gain their respect," she mumbled, her blue hair gently swaying as she walked to her office, not displaying the slight anger she had.

She got to her table and sat down as she looked through her files. Her stern blue eyes focused on the files as she looked for a suitable case to solve.

"Did you hear that Officer Dylan failed to catch the criminal again?"

"He was one of the best officer before he was handed this case two years ago... He still hasn't solved that case till now."

"Yes, he has been on this case for two years now and he still fails every time... Even with that though, he has good luck as he always comes back alive. His partners usually either quit their job, get killed by bombs, fall into coma, or lose that particular memory after trying to catch that criminal. He is the only one that usually come back barely injured and still stick around to catch that criminal!"

"I suspect that it might not only be luck..."

"Why would you be suspicious of him? He is usually also affected by the criminal. The criminal is just too hard to trace!"

"Yes, that criminal is even very arrogant, the criminal always sends an anyomonous message to Officer Dylan about the place he is going to strike next before he/she even does it!"

"Indeed. The last vault he bombed contained more than 30 billion dollars!!!"

"Yes, and he has always been so slippery, there is no one that can catch him."

Milan listened to this and brightened up as she got an idea.


"No, there is no way an inexperienced officer like you can help on a case as big as this," the DGP rejected calmly.

Milan had asked to be assigned Hidden's (The infamous criminal they were talking about) case and she had been denied.

"But sir, I can use this case to prove my efficiency," she agrued in a slightly desperate tone.

"Even officer Dylan, who is one of our best officers, could not solve it, and yet you want me to assign you to the case?" He questioned rhetorically, not expecting any answer.

"With all due respect sir, I think she can be assigned as my partner. After all, she has a fresh mindset which could help," Dylan interjected with confidence radiating in his whole expression as he scanned her with his blue eyes and ran his hands through his blond hair.

'Oh right! I had almost forgotten that he was here too,' Milan thought as she looked at him with happiness present on her face.

"Oh... Are you sure? She might hinder you," the DGP said, trying to change Dylan's mind.

"It is alright, I don't mind." Dylan smiled at the DGP with confidence before sending a small smile towards Milan's way.

The DGP reluctantly agreed and Milan calmly thanked him while jumping for joy in her mind.


"So you are now my partner," Dylan confirmed as he led her to their new office.

"Yes... I want to thank you for what you did for me back there," Milan said, bowing her head.

"No need for thanks, it is good to have a new partner," Dylan said with a smile as he gestured for her to raise her head.

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