Chapter 13 - The Mindless Heart

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"Can't I excuse myself to the bathroom anymore?" I said sounding irritated.

"You don't have to be so defensive, it's just that you suddenly disappeared so I was wo... I mean I thought you ran away"

"Believe me Mr. Carter, if that was my intention I would have done that a really long time ago..."

"I suppose so.."

He just looked away and didn't say anything for the next 5 minutes.

The limousine was huge and so we sat facing each other. His tuxedo made him look sophisticated and very striking. It's still a wonder to me as to why he chose me when he could have any girl he desires. Then again it wasn't like I was his real wife or anything.

Suddenly as if a light bulb sparked in his head, he looked at me with a smirk.

What is he thinking about?

"I know you were looking forward to the honeymoon but I have to finalise a deal at work this week so it's postponed to next week "

Oh how sad!!
Oh how very unfortunate!!
The love of my life and I can't have our dream escapades to paradise!!

"Me?" I said pointing to myself, scoffing incredulously.

Thank god it's postponed!

I didn't know if I could handle the lovey dovey atmosphere of all the couples at the honeymoon destination compared to our awkward interactions.

"Me and looking forward to the fake honeymoon, surrreee" I exaggerated rolling my eyes.

He chuckled deeply and somehow it should have irked me but the echo sent tingles down my spin.

"You totally want me babe, admit it" he winked, crossing his legs in a majestic manner.

How can he look cute and cool at the same time??
God is so not fair in his distribution of genes among humans!!

"You wish!" I stated shrugging to indicate my nonchalance.

"Of course I do, Mrs. Carter"

He spoke as if it was one of the easiest truths in the world, but the second half of the sentence equally intrigued me.

"Mrs. Carter?" I asked quite unsure if I heard right.

"Well obviously, you're married to me aren't you?"

"You can't decide if I want to change my name or not!"

Waves of anger started to surface, standing out as the most prominent emotion.

We weren't even married for one whole day and he's starting to control my life.

"Woah chill, I didn't change you're name, that's upto you, I just think Mrs. Carter has a special kind of ring to it and now since I'm your husband I think, I get the freedom to choose what I call you"

"Oh...." I softly sighed in realisation

Maybe I do jump to conclusions pretty quick..

He leaned back in a calm stance and for the first time I felt like I was seeing a different Mr. Carter. Like he was almost at peace with reality, a stark opposite to me.

Well he's obviously achieved his objective and he'll probably be more at peace when he gets his child and I'm a closed chapter in his life....

I wondered quitely if in a year we would even see each other again.

But I was forgetting something, something quite important that had been eating me up inside.

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