Chapter 3- The Awful Contract

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I couldn't sleep a wink last night,
everytime I closed my eyes all i could see and hear was him.

"Will You Marry Me ,Ms.Sapphire?"

That question kept resonating in my mind and no matter how many times I come up with the answer NO, my mind just forces me to think otherwise.

Maybe it's not so bad of a deal and all I would have to do for a life full of food and electricity was give him an heir

But the idea just sounded preposterous,
a child out of love and a child out of contract would be two extremely different cases , I don't even know if I can look after myself let alone a child

But you don't have to ,he will do it for you

The idea of giving birth scares me and it's so weird to think that just yesterday I thought I would never do something like a marriage and today I'm contemplating having a child with a stranger.

Getting up from my bed , my body felt sore all over ,guess that's what happens after a whole night of tossing and turning.

Irritated, annoyed plus emotions all over the place, my mind and body were a complete wreck.

My brain was gonna explode into smithereens any second now.

Even the milk from the milk carton spilled over the bowl , flooding my cereal as well as the table.

Great another thing to clean !

After my breakfast and a very irked cleaning session later ,I received a text from Avery aka best friend/sister.

Hey what happened?, I called you yeaterday why didn't you call me back.

Sorry didn't check my phone ,just had a lot on my mind.

It's k , did something happen?

Nothing really , so why did you call?

Ya........ you promised to grab lunch with me, glad to know you completely forgot

My bad😣. How can I make it up ?

Hmm I like how that sounds , so you can't say no k?

☹that depends what you ask me to do though but mostly yes👍

Let's go to a club tomorrow ?
My work is so hectic and I desperately need to unwind😇


Duuuuude you have to make up for leaving me hanging and just this once please?😊

You do know how I become when I get drunk, don't you?😒

I know but you dont have to drink if you dont want to , pls for me?


Yay!! Oh also try not to look like a homeless psycho😅

Pls shut up before I change my mind.

I was only stating facts. Pick you up at 9 then?


I hate going to clubs ,


, the last time ended in me getting kicked out of the club for puking all over the bartender
and the one before that, I tried climbing onto a guy thinking he was a horse, the guy was taken by surprise and fell to the ground and I sat on the fallen soldier all while screaming 'giddy up horsie , run like the wind' .

THE ENCAGEMENTजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें