We moved on from that soon. At the end of the day, I sent Shirayuki and Obi to town to stay with Shirayuki's grandparents to be safe. I would have went with them for a short visit but father said its too early for me to go out after all that's happened.. Instead, i stayed with Zen. We had our own private time away from everyone. Well, sort of. Mitsuhide, kiki, leon, and Juniper were all still around but they were sparing against each other somewhere far off but close. We got to lay together and watch the sunset out of sight from the others and just talked about everything and nothing. I didnt tell him about that one letter I wrote when I was scared of that man a couple weeks ago because I was having too much fun just being happy with Zen here.
The next day came. Obi and shirayuki decided over night they wouldnt have the wedding till im back in clarines. Im glad they want me there but it makes me feel bad they're waiting on me for something so important..
I visited the gardens with shirayuki because she really wanted to see. Everyone came with us too. It was really fun being with everyone. They will only be here for the rest of today and tomorrow then leave the day after.. Well, that was the plan.. Till I got poisoned again.. It was right after we went inside from looking at flowers. I was first to try the drinks we had before quickly slapping the cup out of Zen's hands. He was the only on close enough to me who was about to drink it after me. Obi understand quickly and took Shirayuki's drink next.
"Ill get the pharmacist" Juniper said and was already running out the door.
"Why is it always you?.." Zen muttered to me as he held me in his arms. Wow.. this one.. this one is a lot stronger.. I was already falling out of my chair.
"Not sure.. i didn't pass out this time though.." i said weakly with a smile.
"This is the same.." Shirayuki muttered after smelling the tea. She mustve remembered the last poison from those apples so long ago.
"I-It is.. Some inside.. Its someone here.." i muttered and was starting to have trouble keeping my eyes open. "Youre not safe.. Go, Z-Zen.." i stuttered quietly as i felt limp in his arms. Why does this one feel different?..
"You always say that.. Im not leaving till I know you're safe for a while longer.." he muttered and held me tightly.
"But.. your work.." i said softly and felt so tired again.
"Paperwork can wait another day or two.." he told me as Mitsuhide helped move my legs on the couch while zen held my upper body up against him.
"Right now we need to focus on who the inside person is.." Kiki said as she looked right to leon.
"Me?" Leon asked with confusion and panic all over his face. I quietly laughed at his reaction.
"Not them.." i muttered as i smiled up at Zen.
"They arent from Alfin, right?..." shirayuki asked as she kneeled down in front of me and put her hand on my forehead.
"No, theyre not. Im beginning to trust them too" Obi said with a little smile and acossed arms.
"Y/n, you have a fever. Is that normal for this type of poison?.." Shirayuki asked as she looked to me.
"She got them on and off but it didn't happen every time" Leon answered for me.
"I see.. There has to be something in it to make you get this fever as well..." she wondered as she stood up.
"Probably.." I said with a smile as i tried to cross my arms but couldn't.
"Are you cold?.." Zen asked in worry.
"A little.." i muttered looking up to him.
"It looks like your growing immune to this particular poison.." Mitsuhide said in thought.
"Which means they'll probably make a new one.." Kiki added. The room became quiet after hearing that news.
"Maybe you should take her back to Clarines.." Obi muttered and lowered his head.
"As much as I'd like to, she has to stay a little longer which means we need to find who's doing this fast" Zen said to them as he looked down at me smiling and lightly brushing my hair out of my face.
"Was there anyone new at the castle lately?.." Kiki asked and hit the nail on the head.
"Yes, a noble coming for a meeting with the king.." Leon said. I dont want them to say anything else. I dont want them to know what I did..
"The same person who threw those knives?.." Mitsuhide continued.
"No, this guy got his henchman doing his dirty work.." Obi said as he thought back to something. I dont want to tell them..
"Why would a noble from Tanbarun be after the princess?.." Shirayuki asked and looked over at me. Obi looked at me too and wanted to tell them but I shook my head no the best i could.
"Princess! Is she okay still?" Juniper asked as she ran in with the medical staff.
"Fine.." i muttered looking over to them.
"The same thing again.." Mr. Suho sighed as he got down in front of me and already had the medicine to treat this.
"Sorry.." i apologized with a small smile before he brought the antidote to my lips then made me drink all of that nasty flavor.
"This makes 9 times.." Mr. Suho said as he put his hand on my forehead like shirayuki did. "A fever again too.." he muttered. "Im sorry Prince Zen, but the princess won't be recovered till tomorrow morning. She'll have to lay down soon" he said to Zen as i looked up to him. Zen is so worried.. I hoped this wouldn't happen again but im glad it was me instead of him.. Zen's had a long history with poisons as well..
"I understand.." Zen nodded as Mr. Suho stood again.
"Theres not much we can do now but monitor her and make sure her symptoms don't worsen" mr. Suho said just before the pharmacists took their leave.
"I saw someone while I was going to the pharmacy.. I think it could have been who did this" Juniper said as the door shut.
"What?.." Leon asked and looked genuinely confused. "Are they gone?" He asked and was about to go after the man.
"Surely by now he is.. He had long black hair and didnt wear clothes like a noble does, it was more like the towns people.." she said as everyone got to thinking.
"But the towns people all love you.. Who could've done this?.." Obi asked and looked so stressed out.
"There.. Might be more.." i muttered as i looked to the door. Im so tired I can't even move..
"Juniper, Leon, you know what the poison smells like, right?" Obi asked them first. Normally he would have gone but maybe he's putting them to the test..
"Yes, sir" they said together.
"Go check everything. The cooks will understand" he said and nodded to the door before they took their leave.
"Wow, Obi.." i muttered as i looked over to him smiling, "W-Was that their test?.." I asked almost too quietly for him to hear.
"Shut up.." He sighed and rubbed his face.
"Mind if I go listen?" Mitsuhide asked as he stood up with a smile.
"Theyll know if you get too close but you can try" Obi chuckled and patted his shoulder before Mitsuhide left too.
"What should we do now?.." Shirayuki asked as everyone looked to me.
"You can.. You can go home if you want.. Im just tired.." i said slowly with a little smile and was still having a hard time keeping my eyes opened.
"Ill take care of her.." Zen said as the voices began to blur. This is so horrible.. I get to see my friends and see shirayuki's belly but this happened again.. I knew we didnt solve the problem before but i was really hoping we did.. Im just glad it wasn't Zen.. Izona would never let him back if Zen was poisoned.. I need to send them home before this happens again but Zen would refuse to go.. How could I let this happen again?.. I suspected something would have been poisoned again but.. I just really hoped it wouldnt.. ive lost my touch.. Im not warrior, I never was.. Now im just a trouble maker.. Im sorry, Zen.

Time passed while I was alseep. I woke up with stabbing pains all over my body this time. Im not sure why it feels like this though.. This is a new affect from that poison.. But its already morning, why do I still feel the affects?..
I wonder who took me too my room.. I looked up at the ceiling before noticing something out of the corner of my eye.. Why is Zen here? He's asleep and looked tired still.. He probably stayed with me after I blacked out..
"Im sorry.." i whispered as i roled over on my side to face him. "I knew itd happen again.. We couldn't figure it out though.. Im just glad it wasn't you.." i muttered and gently brushed his loose hair out of his eyes. Hes so relaxed.. And he's wearing that ring still.. he never did take it off, not that I could see. Its hard to believe we'll be married one day.. If im able to keep myself alive, that is. Maybe I wont be able to last much longer. Many people want me dead for the things ive done which is why I havent gone a day without something happening, something bad. Its only ever me who's hurt because of those reasons. Its only me who brings the trouble. Thats all my new life is like, just me in trouble and making the ones i love worry.. I hope that one day soon this will end and I can finally have some peace..

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